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公园狒狒静坐绝食 背对游客原因成谜









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The bizarre behaviour of a troop of 'hysterical' baboons at a Dutch zoo has been blamed on everything from an earthquake to a UFO.荷兰动物园里的一群狒狒“行为诡异”,造成这一现象的原因还没确定,有人说是地震引起的,还有人说是不明飞行物来袭。
        Ordinarily seen scampering around on their island at the Emmen Dieren park in the northern Netherlands, the gang of 112 monkeys have been sitting frozen on the ground and turning their backs on visitors this week.在荷兰北部埃曼动物公园里,昔日在岛上蹦跳嬉闹的112只狒狒这周却一反常态,像石化了一般背对着游客静坐。
        The baboons have even lost their appetites, say baffled zoologists at the park, who have heard various theories as to what may be behind the animals' strange behaviour.公园里的动物学家们也很困惑,他们表示这些狒狒甚至连食欲也没了,人们用千奇百怪的理论来解释狒狒的奇怪行为。
        'They became panicked at the end of the day on Monday, they were hysterical, not jumping around but behaving strangely,' zoologist Wijbren Landman told AFP. 'On Tuesday and Wednesday they just sat in the trees or on the ground, hardly moving or eating.'动物学家郎德曼告诉法新社:“它们周一晚些时候就开始变得焦躁不安,歇斯底里。它们不再四处蹦跶,行为变得十分怪异。到了周二和周三,狒狒们就坐在树上或地下,几乎不动也不吃。”
        Mr Landman described various theories put forward to explain the bizarre scenes at the zoo, with some suggesting the baboons may have spotted a predator - either a real one or an image of one on a visitor's t-shirt - or felt the rumblings of an earthquake.兰德曼先生还介绍了好几个对动物园这一诡异情况的猜测。有人认为狒狒可能看见了天敌——也许是真的存在,也许只是某个游客T恤衫上的图案,还有些人认为他们感到了地震而变得不安。



        The zoologist admitted he was yet to hear an explanation that 'holds water'. 'The craziest suggestion was that it was caused by a UFO,' Mr Landman said.动物学家承认他到现在还没听到“能站得住脚”的解释。兰德曼先生说:“最离谱的说法是外星不明飞行物造成的。”
        Baboons at the zoo, who were all born in captivity, have behaved this way four times in the past 20 years, the team at Emmen Dieren park said.埃曼动物公园一组分队透露,这些狒狒都是在动物园出生的。这种奇特行为在过去20年中发生过四次。
        But their activity has not been observed among any baboons anywhere else, either in captivity or in the wild, according to a report in the Huffington Post.《赫芬顿邮报》报道,不管人工圈养还是在野外,狒狒这种奇怪的行为只出现在这家动物园里。
        Experts consulted by staff at Emmen Dieren park have so far failed to shed any light on the mystery, but the animals have shown signs of returning to normal.埃曼动物公园员工咨询了专家,他们也没法解开这一谜团。但好在狒狒们的行为日趋正常。
        Some of the baboons managed to eat some small pieces of apple, and all were given pellets to provide them with vital vitamins and minerals.有些狒狒开始吃小片苹果,饲养员还给所有狒狒服用小药片,以保证它们摄入足量重要维生素和矿物质。

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