A South African chef has been told he is too fat to live in New Zealand despite losing 30kg since he first arrived in the country.一位南非厨师刚到新西兰后就减肥30公斤,尽管如此,他还是被告知因为过于肥胖而不能留在新西兰居住生活。
Albert Buitenhuis moved to Christchurch with his wife, Marthie, in 2007 when he weighed 160kgs, reports the BBC. The couple have had no previous trouble renewing their annual work visas but this year it was declined due to health risks associated with Albert's weight.英国广播公司报道,2007年艾伯特·卜易提休斯和妻子玛希搬到了新西兰基督城居住,那时他体重160公斤。这对夫妇以前在续签年度工作签证时没遇到过什么问题,但是今年却被拒签,原因是艾伯特的体重会影响到他的健康。
They have both been forced to stop working and now face deportation. Marthie said: "We applied for [them] year after year and there were no issues. They never mentioned Albert's weight or his health once and he was a lot heavier then.夫妻二人被迫停止工作,目前正面临着被逐出境的窘境。玛希说:“我们每年都续签签证,从没出现过问题。之前艾伯特比现在还胖,但那时工作人员也没提到他的体重或身体健康状况。”
"The irony is that at the moment he weighs less than he [did] when we first arrived in New Zealand and also less than in his first medical, which was accepted by INZ," reports News 24.玛希还对新闻24节目说:“很讽刺的是,他现在要比我们刚来新西兰时瘦多了,体重也比在新西兰移民局接受第一次检查时轻。”
New Zealand authorities said the visa had been turned down because of the "significant risk" of complications such as diabetes, hypertension heart disease.新西兰当局则称拒签签证的理由是艾伯特患糖尿病、高血压、心脏病等肥胖并发症的“风险极高”。
A spokesman said: "It is important that all migrants have an acceptable standard of health to minimise costs and demands on New Zealand's health services."一位发言人表示:“所有移民都应有良好的健康水平,以减轻新西兰卫生医疗服务的成本和需求。这对我们来说十分重要。”
The couple have lodged an appeal, reports Stuff.Stuff 报道说,这对夫妇已提出上诉。 |