Good news for those of you who enjoy a nice cold Coke: the company has rolled out a new bottle made entirely from frozen water. Bad news for those of you who don’t live in Colombia: It’s only available in Colombia.送给爱喝冰冻可乐的你们的好消息:可口可乐公司推出了一款完全用冰块做成的可乐瓶子。坏消息:仅在哥伦比亚出售。要是你不住在哥伦比亚,可就享用不到啦!
This icy new drinking vessel is shaped like the traditional glass Coke bottle and has the company’s name etched into the ice, according to Coca Cola’s website. 根据可口可乐公司网站,这款冰制的可乐瓶子形状和玻璃材质的传统可乐瓶很相似,公司的logo则是直接嵌进到冰里的。
Alas, right now you can only find it in Colombia, and there’s no word yet if Coke will introduce it in any other countries. But apparently it’s pretty popular so far — according to the site, beachside vendors have sold an average of 265 bottles per hour.不过遗憾的是,目前这款冰可乐只在哥伦比亚发售,而且目前也暂无关于该公司是否会在其他国家发售这款冰可乐的消息。不过目前看来,冰可乐明显非常受欢迎——根据网站介绍,在哥伦比亚海滨的小贩们平均每小时可以卖出265瓶冰可乐。
If you’re at least a marginally curious person, then perhaps you’re wondering how this works. Basically, these bottles are made of silicone molds filled with micro-filtered water, frozen to -13°F. Once you’ve drunk all the Coke, the bottle melts away. Oh, and each bottles come equipped with a rubber red band to make it easier to hold the vessel. The band then doubles as a bracelet. 如果你生性比较好奇,你可能会想这个到底是怎么个原理。这些瓶子是用硅胶模具制作的,里面注满了微过滤的水,并被冰冻至零下13华氏度(零下25摄氏度)。一旦你把可乐都喝掉了,瓶子也就会融化。每个瓶身上面都箍了个红色的橡皮套,方便你拿着瓶子,喝完可乐这个还可以当手环。
Coke is touting the environmentally friendly nature of these melt-away bottles, but as ABC News points out, they require so much extra refrigeration that it basically cancels out the eco-friendly aspect.可口可乐公司目前正在推广这些冰可乐瓶子,瓶子用后可以融化不会损害自然环境。但根据ABC新闻指出,这些冰可乐瓶子需要额外的制冷条件,所以基本上抵消其环保效果。 |