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澳洲男子欲拍灵异现象 却拍到女友与儿子通奸画面









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A Tasmanian man set up a video camera to capture paranormal activity instead filmed his partner engaging in a sexual relationship with his teenage son, a court has heard.澳大利亚某法院日前受理了一桩案件,来自澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛的一名男子在家中安装摄像机,想拍摄家中的灵异现象,但却不料拍到的竟是自己的和自己10多岁的儿子发生性关系的画面。
        The 28-year-old woman pleaded guilty to five counts of having sexual intercourse with a minor in Tasmania's Supreme Court, The Mercury reports.根据《水星报》的报道,塔斯马尼亚最高法院对这名与未成年人发生性关系的女子提起五项罪名指控,该女子已经认罪。
        Crown Prosecutor Jackie Hartnett told the court in October last year the woman had gone to the boy's room to discuss his driving lessons, but this had eventually led to intercourse.皇家检察官杰基-哈特尼特对法院表示,去年10月,这名女子走进男孩的房间聊他的驾驶课程,结果最后两人却发生了性关系。
        The following day, the woman's de facto partner set up a video camera in an effort to capture evidence of paranormal activity in the house, but had forgotten to turn it off.第二天这名女子的事实配偶即男孩的父亲在家中安装了摄像机,目的是想抓住有关灵异事件的证据,结果忘记关掉摄像机。
        小编注:de facto partner(事实配偶)指的是处于 de facto relationship 状态的两个人。de facto relationship 事实婚姻,指的是双方未按法律规定进行结婚登记,即以夫妻关系同居生活所形成的婚姻。
        When he returned reviewed the footage, he saw his son and the woman kissing and cuddling. She downplayed the incident when he quizzed her about it, but his son confessed that they had sex three times.当他回家查看录像时,发现自己的儿子和该女子在一起亲吻搂抱,在男子的质问下,该女子试图否认低调处理这一事件,但儿子却承认他们已经发生过三次性关系。
        The man called the police and the woman admitted during a video recorded interview to having sex with the boy twice and admitted knowing he was sixteen. She was ashamed and embarrassed by her conduct, but mistakenly thought 16 was the age of consent.男子随即报警。在警方后来提供的笔录录像中,该女子承认和男孩发生过两次性关系,并且她也知道男子只有16岁。她对自己的行为感到羞愧难堪,但她误认为16岁是发生性关系的合法年龄(塔斯马尼亚的合法性交年龄是17岁)。
        Ms Hartnett told the court that in the following weeks the woman followed the boy to another part of the state where they had sex several times in a hotel room.哈特尼特对法庭表示,在随后的几周里,女子还曾跟随男孩前往其他地方,两人在宾馆房间发生过几次性关系。
        She has been remanded in custody and is due to be sentenced on Monday.该名女子目前已经在押候审,法院将在周一作出宣判。

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