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发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        On the mean streets of Gotham City, he uses his physical prowess, intellect and state-of-the-art weapons to snare villains.在蝙蝠侠系列电影的高谭市,蝙蝠侠用他的超凡威力、智慧和最先进的武器给恶徒布下天罗地网。
        Over on the streets of Bradford, however, it seems Batman’s targets give in with a little less coercion. A caped crusader astonished officers and passers-by when he dragged a wanted man into a police station in the city centre before vanishing into the night.而在英国布拉德福德市,蝙蝠侠好像没使出什么威力就抓住的目标。一个身穿斗篷的人将一名通缉犯人拽进市中心的警察署,然后消失在黑夜中,这让警察和路人都大吃一惊。
        But observers were also quick to note that the brave vigilante appeared somewhat lacking in the menace and muscle that one might expect from a superhero.不过眼快的目击者称,他们发现这位英勇的义务警员并没有人们心目中超级英雄应该有的震慑力和强壮肌肉。
        CCTV footage shows the slightly overweight Batman taking a suspect into the station, where he calmly waited for the duty officer on reception and then told him: ‘Here you are, it’s over to you now.’监控录像显示一个略有些发胖的蝙蝠侠将犯罪嫌疑人带到了警署,他平静地等待值班警员的到来,然后对他说:“现在这家伙就交给你了。”
        The wanted man, Daniel Frayne, explained who he was to the officer and moments later Batman was gone.蝙蝠侠走后,这名被通缉的犯人丹尼尔-福莱恩向警员坦白了他的身份。
        The absence of a Batmobile to spirit him away was just one of the clues that the mysterious masked figure wasn’t quite who he appeared to be. The footage also made it clear that Batman was not required to use any physical force to detain his subject – leading police to conclude that the superhero was simply a friend of Frayne’s in fancy dress.蝙蝠侠并没有开着蝙蝠车像风一样地离开,监视录像也显示他并没有使用任何武力抓住犯人,这些都说明这个戴着面具的神秘人大概并不是真正的蝙蝠侠——警方猜测这位超级英雄只是福莱恩的一个穿着奇装异服的朋友而已。
        Still, even if the Bradford Batman was really the Joker, it didn’t stop pictures of him causing a frenzy on the internet.不过即便布拉德福德的这位蝙蝠侠真的只是一个爱开玩笑的人,他的照片还是在网络上开始疯狂传播。



        39岁的Stan Worby在Facebook上透露自己便是现实版蝙蝠侠的真身。
        After being escorted into Trafalgar House police station at 1.35am last Monday, Frayne was arrested on suspicion of burglary, fraud and breach of a court order. He was later charged with handling stolen goods and fraud-related offences and is due to appear before the city’s magistrates on Friday.上周一凌晨1点35分被带到特拉法加警署之后,Frayne就以盗窃、诈骗和违反法庭秩序嫌疑被捕。之后他被以转移偷窃所得物品和诈骗罪名被起诉,并将在周五在地方法院出庭。
        A police spokesman said: ‘The person who brought the wanted man into the station was dressed in a full Batman outfit. His identity, however, remains unknown. The Batman outfit was a normal fancy dress costume and whoever had decided to put it on knew the suspect was wanted by police.’一名警方发言人称:“把嫌犯抓来的人穿着全套蝙蝠侠服装。不过他的身份至今无人知晓。蝙蝠侠服装只是一套普通的戏服而已,无论扮成蝙蝠侠的是谁,他都应该知道嫌犯现在正被警方通缉。”
        Residents on the street where Frayne lives with his girlfriend said police had been looking for him for several weeks. ‘They drove up and down here every day to check on the house and we’ve not seen him around here for quite a while,’ said neighbour Kaley Wilkinson, 27.Frayne和他的女友所居住的街区的居民们说警方已经搜捕了他几个星期了。“他们每天开着车到处搜查,还搜了他的房子,我们已经好久没有见到他出现在附近了,”27岁的邻居Kaley Wilkinson说。
        Wherever the superhero came from, he certainly caused a stir. Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Rev Nick Baines, said: ‘I think it’s dead funny. The only thing that concerns me – judging from the waistline and tights – is that he doesn’t look that fit.’不管这个超级英雄是从哪来的,总之他确实是掀起了轩然大波。布拉德福德的主教Nick Baines牧师说:“我认为这非常可笑。唯一一件让我放不下心的事情是,从他的腰围和裤子看,他的那身衣服不怎么合身。”
        A police source said: ‘We think it’s a friend who obviously thought this would be a funny thing to do.’一名警方消息人士说:“我们认为他是福莱恩的朋友,很显然他觉得这样做很有意思。”

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