Did you know that Jesus was born in a mansion in Bethlehem in the 1950s? Neither did we, until we got the real scoop on Christmas from a bunch of kid tourists outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"你有没有听说过,耶稣是在20世纪50年代出生于伯利恒市的一座大楼里的?没有吧?我们其实也没有,我们是在脱口秀节目《吉米·坎摩尔秀》采访了一群儿童游客后,才挖到这个关于圣诞节的独家重磅新闻的。
Kimmel's crew took to the streets to ask children to tell us the story of Christmas and, as you might have guessed, their renditions are pretty ridiculous. In this clip, some British kid named Liam is being asked to tell the story. He is 4 years old.《吉米·坎摩尔秀》的节目组成员在大街上随机采访了一些孩子,让他们讲一个关于圣诞节的故事。你肯定可以猜到,他们的表现相当欢乐。在文中的视频里,一个叫连姆的小朋友也应要求讲了一个圣诞故事,他今年四岁。
Jimmy said this kid actually gave a 9-minute response to just the one question about telling the story of Christmas. The kid keeps talking and talking random stuff, like about making a snowman. And he counts to “25″ during one part of the story. 主持人吉米在节目中表示,工作人员只问了他一个问题,但这个小朋友花了9分钟来讲这个圣诞故事,他一直不停地讲啊讲,故事好像跟堆雪人有关,讲了好多无关紧要的内容。在故事的中间某段,他还从1一口气数到了25。
During part of the answer, Jimmy’s staff member just gives him the mike and lets him keep talking while he takes a break.话痨小朋友的故事实在是太长了,中间工作人员直接把麦递给连姆拿着,让他接着说,然后自己跑去休息了下。 |