At first glance, it's an elegant set of portraits of twins - but look more closely and the secret is revealed.第一眼看过去,你会以为这是一组拍的很赞的双胞胎照片,但再看仔细一点,你会发现照片中的秘密。
None of the individuals captured by photographer Francois Brunelle are related by blood, their faces just have strikingly similar characteristics.在摄影师弗兰克斯-布鲁内尔拍摄的这些照片中,每一张中的两个人都没有血缘关系,但是他们却有着惊人相似的面部特征。
Mr Brunelle, who lives in Québec, has studied the human face since he started out as a photographer at the age of 18 in 1968. The collection, entitled I'm not a look-alike!, features a range of individuals from North American and European backgrounds who are not related, side by side.住在加拿大魁北克省的布鲁内尔1968年开始学习摄影,当时18岁的他就开始研究人类脸部。这组照片集取名为《我们不是双胞胎》,照片中来自北美和欧洲各地没有血缘关系但长相相似的两个人站在一起。
According to the photographer, the portraits allow him to explore the intimate relationship between subjects and how they approach their remarkably similar appearances.摄影师说,这些照片可以让他研究被拍摄者之间的亲密关系,以及他们是如何看待彼此之间惊人相似的面容。
Mr Brunelle told MailOnline: 'I found my first subjects simply through people I knew who looked alike. Then as the media covered my project, more people came forward to take part.'布鲁内尔先生对英国《每日邮报》表示:“我是在我认识的长得很像的人中找到我的第一组拍摄者。然后媒体开始报道我的拍摄照片,越来越多的人会主动找我表示愿意参与进来。”
The photographer continues to look for subjects and is inviting people to come forward until he finishes the project next year. 摄影师说他还会继续找不同的人来拍照,也邀请人们自告奋勇,拍摄项目计划明年完成。