For some women, the idea of being having to pose for hundreds of photos while pregnant is not especially tempting.对于一些怀孕的准妈妈来说,在怀孕期间还要拍上上千张照片,这个想法真心不是很吸引人。
But not for Osher Grencel, whose husband Tomer took more than 1000 photos throughout her pregnancy.但是奥舍-格兰瑟并不这么觉得。在她怀孕期间,丈夫托默为她拍摄了1000多张照片。
Expecting her first child, Tomer had the idea of documenting the pregnancy by using the photos in a stop-motion video.这是他们的第一个孩子,托默想要记录下妻子的孕期过程,所以他想出了一个主意,用拍下的照片制作成一个定格动画的视频短片。
Over the next 9 months, he took 1000 photographs at different points and with different concepts.在接下来的9个月里,他从不同的角度、用不同的拍照理念为怀孕的妻子拍下了1000张照片。
After his daughter Emma entered the world, he spent a month combining the images into a single stop-motion animation that tells the story of Emma’s journey from the womb into the world.在女儿艾玛降临世界后,他花了一个月的时间将这些照片制作成了一个定格动画,来讲述女儿从母亲子宫到降临世界的整个出生历程。
The video has proved hugely popular, with nearly 300,000 views on Youtube.The project has proved so successful that Tomer has continued the photography project in a new blog called视频大受欢迎,在Youtube视频网站上吸引了超过30万的人观看。事实证明托默的这个项目非常成功,他开始在一个叫“” 的新博客中继续自己的摄影事业。 |