A Utah woman who bought a box of discount tampons got a lot more than she had expected when she opened it up.犹他一女子购买回打折卫生棉条后,打开一看,发现里头暗藏玄机。
Cindy Davidson, 39, unwrapped the package she purchased at a Salt Lake City store and instead of finding cotton tampons, she found tiny packages of white powder stuffed inside the cardboard applicators.39岁的辛迪·戴维森打开在盐湖城一家商店购买的卫生棉条,棉条没出现,倒是在硬纸筒里找到了一袋袋白色的粉末。
Afraid of what the powder might be, she called police who identified the stashed substance as cocaine, which could be part of a sophisticated drug smuggling operation.因为担心不知道这些白色粉末为何物,辛迪打电话报了警。警察认定这些隐藏的白色粉末为可卡因,很可能是某一高度成熟的毒品走私项目中的一环。
On Saturday, Ms Davidson stopped by a bargain store on 1600 South Empire Road to buy a pack of Crest White Strips, according to the Smoking Gun.根据the Smoking Gun网站的报道,星期六戴维斯女士走进了南帝国路1600号的这家特价店,想要购买一包佳洁士卫生棉条。
She saw an inexpensive box of Boots brand tampons and tossed it in her cart. The store, NPS, sells damaged freight goods and unclaimed property at a steep discount.她看见了一盒便宜的博姿牌卫生棉条,便取了下来丢进购物车里。这家店名为NPS的商店主要以低价销售受损的货物以及无人认领的物品为主。
The next day she opened the sealed cellophane box and did not find what she was looking for.隔天她打开密封好的塑料包装袋,却没有发现卫生棉条的踪影。
'I noticed there was packaging inside that wasn't normal,' she said to KSL. 'They had removed the tampon and there was cocaine inside.'她告诉KSL网的记者:“我发现它的内部包装不太正常,其实是他们把卫生棉条取掉了,换上了可卡因。”
At first she didn't identify the white powder as the drug and tried to open it. After five minutes of trying to open up the plastic-wrapped, fake tampon she got nervous.一开始她不知道白色粉末是可卡因,还试图打开其包装袋。努力了五分钟想要打开那支塑料包装的假卫生棉条,她突然紧张了起来。
'I thought it might have been a terrorist attack,' she said. She called the police, who weren't able to immediately identify the substance.“我想这可能是一起恐怖袭击,”她说。随后她报了警。警察并没有立即辨认出可卡因。
The officers' investigation revealed it was cocaine. 'It appears to be a highly sophisticated way of attempting to smuggle or get drugs,' Detective Carlie Wiechman said to KSL.后来经调查才确认为可卡因。警探卡里·威其曼对KSL记者表示:“这种走私获取毒品的方式十分的高明。”
All of the boxes of tampons have been pulled from the shelves of the store, according to KSL, and police have launched a full-scale investigation.根据KSL网站的报道,该商店所有的卫生棉条均已下架,警察就此展开了全方位的调查。 |