The small German town of Mittenwalde could become one of the richest in the world if officials in Berlin were to pay back the long-outstanding debt. 柏林官员如果的确要赔付债务的话,那这个名为Mittenwalde的小镇将成为世界上最富有的小镇。
According to Radio Berlin Brandenburg, the certificate shows that Mittenwalde lent Berlin 400 guilders in 1562, to be paid back with six per cent interest per year.据柏林Brandenburg广播的报道,有证据证明柏林方面在1562年的确向Mittenwalde借了400荷兰盾(一种货币)。而今年柏林方面需按照百分之6的利率还债。
Today the original outstanding debt would stand at an estimated £87million, an amount which would run into 'trillions' taking into account inflation and interest.这笔债务的原始额度以当今的货币来看,约为8千7百万英镑。如果考虑通货膨胀和利率的因素,那现今的还款额度将达到亿万英镑巨款。
Historian Vera Schmidt, who found the slip in the town's archives where it had been since 1962, believes the certificate remains valid.发现了这条档案的历史学家Vera Schmidt深信,该项证据即便至今仍然有效。
'In 1893 there was a debate in which the document was examined and the writing was determined to be authentic,' Schmidt said.“1893年该项债务的相关档案已经经过查证,因此该项档案肯定是确实有效的。”Schmidt这么说。
Requests to settle the debt have been made by Schmidt and mayor Uwe Pfeiffer, however these appeals have so far been rejected.Schmidt与该镇镇长Uwe Pfeiffer已经提请柏林方面赔付债款,然而他们的请求被柏林方面驳回。
Berlin's finance senator Ulrich Nussbaum, who met with the pair to discuss the debt, told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper: 'This case shows that debts always catch up with you, no matter how old they are.'柏林的财政理事Ulrich Nussbaum与他们已经进行过会面,并且对债务问题进行了磋商。他对《柏林日报》表示:“这一次的事件告诉我们时光再久远,债务永相随”。
However given the current financial problems in the Eurozone, Mittenwalde may have to wait a little longer to finally receive its payback.然而考虑到如今欧洲区的金融现状,Mittenwalde可能需要等待很久才能拿回欠款了。 |