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发短信时爱撒谎 视频聊天最诚实?









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:17:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        People are more likely to lie when they're texting than any other form of communication, a new study shows.一项新研究显示,与其它通讯方式相比,人们在发短信时更可能撒谎。
        A paper that will be published in the Journal of Business Ethics next year made the assessment after an experiment involving students role-playing with text messaging.在研究中,进行了一项学生角色扮演发短信实验,并对情况进行了评定,论文将在明年的《商业伦理期刊》上发表。
        In the study, 140 students were grouped in pairs and asked to play a role. One student had to be a stockbroker while the other one was a buyer, the Los Angeles Times reports.参与这项研究的140名学生被分成两人一组,每人扮演一个角色。《洛杉矶时报》描述说,一名学生是买家,而另一名学生则是股票经纪人。
        The stockbroker was told that the stock would lose 50 per cent of its in a week. The stockbroker was also given a financial incentive to unload as much of the falling stock as possible to the buyer.股票经纪人获悉,股价将在一周内下跌50%。为鼓励股票经纪人尽可能多地抛售即将跳水的股票给买家,研究人员也会为他们提供一定报酬的奖励。
        Researchers found that the sellers were more likely to be dishonest if they pulled off the deal by text message. The dishonesty generally revolved around lying about the quality of the stock or simply not mentioning how good or bad it was.研究人员发现,如果通过发短信的形式来促成交易,卖家欺诈的可能性更大。卖家通常在股票的质量上撒谎,或干脆对其优劣避而不谈。
        Surprisingly, the stockbrokers were most honest about the stock if the conversation occurred through video.令人吃惊的是,如果交易通过视频交谈进行,股票经纪人对股票的描述最可靠。



        In the honesty stakes video beat face to face conversations and audio chat. Researchers said the dishonest behaviour was largely caused by the 'lean media' nature of texting.在诚信度方面,视频胜过面对面聊天和语音聊天。研究人员说,发短信的‘简易媒体’特点是导致欺诈行为的主要原因。
        Texting, they say, hides the emotional and physical clues that might reveal dishonesty. There is no lack of eye contact or nervous hand movements.研究人员认为,情感和肢体语言在不经意间可能会泄露你的不诚实,但在发短信时,这些线索就会被隐藏起来。频繁的目光接触,或者紧张不安的手部活动都会为不诚实提供线索。
        But the big surprise for researchers came from the buyers' side. When buyers were asked how angry they were that the stockbrokers had been dishonest, the research team found buyers were more enraged if they had been lied to via text than if they had been lied to face-to-face.而令研究人员感到吃惊的却是买方。当被问及受到股票经纪人欺骗会有多么生气时,研究人员发现,如果经纪人在发短信时撒谎,买家会怒不可遏,但如果在面对面的交谈中撒谎,买家的愤怒还不至于到怒不可遏的程度。
        Ronald Cenfetelli, a professor at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, co-authored the paper. He told the LA Times: 'What we speculated was going on is there is some instant rapport-building, and some quick trust that happens when you talk to someone face to face, and it acts as a buffer and an inoculation, almost like a vaccine, against negative reactions.英属哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院教授罗纳德.赛菲泰里(Ronald Cenfetelli)为该论文的作者之一。他在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访时说:“据我们的推测,当你与某人面对面交谈时,某种瞬时性和谐关系和某种信任迅速建立起来,差不多就如同一剂疫苗,减轻和抑制负面反应。”
        People are still angry or upset if they are lied to face to face, but when they are lied to in the leaner communications, they are more angry.如果面对面交谈时被欺骗,人们还是会生气或沮丧,但是,以更简易的通讯方式沟通时被欺骗,他们会更气愤。

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