Celebrating your 18th birthday is a momentous occasion for anyone, but for tiny Jyoti Amge the milestone is even bigger news.18岁生日对于每个人来说都是人生的一个重要时刻,但是对于娇小的Jyoti Amge来说,这里程碑式的日子更是一件大事。
The 62.8com-tall teenager is already a mini celebrity in her hometown of Nagpur, India, but is now set for a huge record when she is officially declared the world's smallest woman.身高仅62.8厘米的Jyoti在家乡印度那格浦尔已经是一个小小名人,而今她又准备摘得一项重要记录,她被官方宣布为世界最娇小的健在女性。
And despite her miniature stature, Jyoti hopes to celebrate being crowned the world's shortest woman by launching a Bollywood movie career.虽然体格迷你,Jyoti却憧憬着开始自己的宝莱坞电影事业,以此庆祝加冕世界最矮女性的头衔。
A teary-eyed Jyoti, dressed in one of her finest saris, called the honor an 'extra birthday present' and said she felt grateful for being small, as it had brought her recognition.生日会上,Jyoti穿着她最好的莎丽服,眼含泪水,将此头衔称为“额外的生日礼物”。Joyti感激上天给予她娇小的身材,这让她能够为世人瞩目。
She also blew out candles on a birthday cake which was comfortably bigger than her. Even the Guinness World Records book at the ceremony came up to Jyoti's waist.Jyoti吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,而蛋糕比她本人还要大。就连生日会上那本世界基尼斯记录册都到她的腰了。
Jyoti weighs just 12lbs(5.5kg) - only 9lbs more than she did at birth - and has a form of dwarfism call achondroplasia, which stopped her growing after her first birthday.Jyoti体重仅有12磅(5.5千克),只比出生时重了9磅。她患有软骨发育不全症(属于侏儒症的一种),使得她从一周岁生日后就停止了生长。
She has brittle bones and is likely to need care for the rest of her life, but that has not stopped her tall ambitions of cracking the movie industry.[/en她的骨骼很脆弱,在未来的人生中可能需要特别照顾,但是这并没有阻碍她冲击电影界的远大志向。
[en]Budding actress Jyoti, who is set to appear in two Bollywood films next year, told The Sun: 'I want to make people happy.'明年将在两部宝莱坞电影中亮相的新进女星Jyoti对《太阳报》说:“我想成为大家的开心果。”
As a teenager at school in Nagpur, Jyoti had her own small desk and chair, but said the other students didn't treat her any differently.作为那格浦尔一所学校的学生,Jyoti有专门为她定制的小型桌椅,但是同学们对她也是一视同仁。
Jyoti insists in being treated like a normal young woman, and likes nothing more than doing her make-up, going clothes shopping with friends or enjoying DVDs.Jyoti坚持要求大家将她作为一个普通的年轻女性来对待,而她喜欢做的事也无非是化化妆、和朋友们一起买衣服、或者看看DVD。 |