英语学习点: Toilet Vocabulary 有关厕所的词汇
Up until now, a trip to the toilet for most men has been limited in its potential for entertainment. Standing at the urinal there's not much to do but stare blankly at the wall tiles, whistle and relieve oneself.
Suddenly going to the bog is exciting.
But for those who can't bear the boredom any more, a British company has developed a product that fills a gap in the market – a urine-controlled games console for men.
Captive Media thinks it's invented the first "hands-free" video game console of its kind. The device sits above the ceramic bowl at eye-height. The user has to aim his wee at one of three targets in the bottom of the bog. They're labelled "Start", "Left" and "Right". The console detects where the pee is falling by means of an infra-red device.
On offer so far are a skiing game and a multiple-choice pub quiz. When players have done their business they can use their mobile phones to post their scores on a live leader board on Twitter.
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