1. 你们两个一步也不许走。
2. 科技股因为微软公司大幅盈利而有所回升。
3. 演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。
4. 日本公司为满足市场需求而增加生产等离子平板电视。
5. 显然,对于那些因妻子的生理问题不能生育的夫妇来说,“试管”婴儿是一种补救办法。
6. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. (英译汉)
1. 不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。
Don't clog up your memory with useless facts.
2. 事故发生的时候有好几个人在场。
There were several people standing by when the accident happened.
3. 由于不堪多年的工作压力,他终于辞职了。
He resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years.
4. 近期,人们开始对非虚构写作在文学中的地位加以注意。
Increasing attention has been paid recently to the place of nonfiction in the literary hierarchy.
5. 中国人民正在中国共产党的领导下,团结一致地进行着伟大的社会主义建设。
Led by the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese people, united as one, are engaged in the great task of building socialism.
6. She had treated him with interest, with encouragement, with malice, with indifference, with contempt. (英译汉)
她对他时而兴致勃勃,时而极力挑逗,时而恶意作弄,时而又无动于衷,时而还对他满脸的鄙视。 |