3. 理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向。
4. 农村改革中的好多东西,都是基层创造出来的。
5. 搞好社会治安,是关系到人民群众生命财产安全和改革、发展、稳定的大事。
6. In that infinitesimal fraction of time, inconceivable and immeasurable, during which the first atomic bomb converted a small part of its matter into the greatest burst of energy released on earth up to that time, Prometheus has broken his bonds and brought a new fire down to earth, a fire three million times more powerful than the original fire he snatched from the gods for the benefit of man some five hundred thousands years ago.(英译汉)
1. “狂妄自大”就是过于自信或过于自负。
“Hubris” is too much self-confidence or ego.
2. 我们想搞水果蔬菜生意。
We are thinking of starting up in the fruit and vegetable trade.
3. 将你的报告格式化,这样页码就会出现在每页的顶部。
Format your report so that the page number appears at the top of each page.
4. 中国现在实行对外开放、对内搞活的政策。
China is now implementing the policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy.
5. 这些股票经纪人已经预见经济衰退,所以他们在经济恶化前就做好了准备。
The stockbrokers had foreseen the recession, so they were prepared when the economy soured.
6. We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. q, (英译汉)
我们必须团结一致,否则将一一被绞死。 |