The power of beauty (2)
剑桥大学博士Nick Baylis
Experimental studies have also established that the active ingredients include symmetry, order, proportion and balance. Since beauty is so powerful and important, we can be thankful that there are many ways to be beautiful, and very many sources.
And though we most readily think of experiencing that energy through our five physical senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell, other dimensions are even more potent. For example, there is movement-which can be the internal, kinaesthetic sense of our own bodies in dance or sport; or the thrill of seeing an art or craft well performed. Consider, too, how ideas, insights, and solutions, can be deemed beautiful.
Among scientists, Einstein's Theory of Relativity is unanimously praised for its extraordinary beauty.
科学家们不就对爱因斯坦“相对论”所蕴涵的非凡之美一致地给予了高度赞赏么。 |