1. 这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。
2. 谁都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦的。
3. 多年来,消费者而话不说便购买厂商所提供的产品和服务。
4. 但是今天的消费者钱多了,有更高的教育水准和更丰富的资讯协助其作购买的决定。
5. 因为教育、科技和财富的结合已经造就了一群比以往更有自信、更傲慢有更苛求的消费阶层。
6. Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking. (英译汉)
1. 他万万没想到在他前进的道路上竟会出现这么多拦路虎!
He had never expected that so many obstacles would stand in his way.
2. 半夜听到狼嗥,他感到毛骨悚然。
He was horror-stricken when he heard the cries of the wolves at midnight.
3. 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。
The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.
One hundred thousand citizens in Hiroshima of Japan were killed by the first atomic bomb in the world.
5. 我们正努力教育公民不要像西方国家那样过度消费,比如使用过多的空调、私人汽车、以及随意处理的产品。
We are managing to educate citizens to avoid the behavior of over-consumption, such as the excessive use of air conditioners, private cars and disposable products at will.
6. Petra had become the leader of the girls as soon as she snapped out of her original depression at coming to Prague.(英译汉)
佩德拉到布拉格来,原是满怀抑郁,如今开心起来,就立即成为女孩子的领袖。 |