1. 信任应当是相互的。
2. 我们应该抢时间赶任务。
3. 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。
4. 部分由于日益增长的需要,批发茶价几乎翻了一番。
5. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。
6. You are old enough to know better. (英译汉)
1. 形势尚未明朗化。
No clear picture has yet emerged.
2. 我们在会议期间畅所欲言。
We had the luxury of opinions during the meeting.
3. 他虽然年迈,但脑力依然健旺。
Age had weakened him, but his mind remained strong.
4. 她听说深圳遍地是黄金,于是就来了。
She had been drawn to Shenzhen by tales of unimaginable wealth.
5. 饱经沧桑的20世纪仅剩下几个春秋,人类即将跨入充满希望的21世纪。
In a few years’ time, mankind will bid farewell to the 20th century, a century full of vicissitudes, and enter the 21st century, a century full of hopes.
6. Businesses would like to see new laws to counter late payments of debts. (英译汉)
商家希望能出台对付欠债逾期不还的新法律。 |