1. 听到他这样讲话,我差点笑出来了。
2. 在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。
3. 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。这是一个关,这个关必须过。
4. 这个温泉胜地有三座豪华宾馆,四周是岭南景色,其泉水属于“氯化钠”泉,富含矿物质,浸浴可以调理身体机能,治疗多种疾病。
5. Time undermines us. (英译汉)
1. 由于粗心,他今年高考落榜了。
Carelessness caused his failure in this year’s college entrance examination.
2. 当时他来时才刚刚18岁,一脑袋都是幻想,憧憬着美好的未来。
Just 18 years old, he was then a romantic kid with visions of the future for himself.
3. 你应该管一管你那调皮的孩子,他见花就摘,毫不爱惜。
It is advisable for you to criticize your naughty boy who is relentlessly tearing at the flowers he sees.
4. 读研热正火爆中国。经常有大批人排长队参加各种资格考试。国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不断增加对高水平专业人士的需求,从而促使了研究生招生数额的迅猛扩充。
Pursuit for graduate studies is now red-hot across China, usually with long queues heading into qualification examinations when the rapid development of the country’s economy in all areas fuels the demand for better-educated professionals which in turn quickens the expansion of gradate enrollment.
5. It’s never been one special thing that my father has done but all the special things he has gone out of his way to do. He has worked days on end in dirty dead end jobs just to put food on the table. (英译汉)