This was originally a term used in the theater. It referred to a performance in which one person played all or most of the roles, idiomatically, it has come to describe an activity in which one person does almost everything'. "Teddy's such a great entertainer. His new film is a one-man show which he has written, produced and directed." Artists and photographers also stage on-man show when their works alone are on display. "Teddy's photographs will soon be on display in a one-man show at the Arts Center."
这是一个源自剧场的惯用语。本指独角戏或者由一个人扮演大部分角色的表演,后来,它渐渐演变成比喻某项由单人筹办或者几乎独力进行的活动。“Teddy是一位著名的演艺人员,他的新电影可以说完全是他个人的杰作,从编剧、制片到导演都由他一个人担任。” 艺术家和摄影家举办个人作品展时,也可以说是在表演“独角戏”。"Teddey 不久之后将在艺术中心推出他的个人摄影作品展。 |