发表于 2016-7-10 02:45:47
ianal -----i am not a lawyer ; usually used before a non -lawyer gives
legal advice , as a disclaimer
inars ------ i am not a rocket scienist
ic --- i see , also " in character "
icydk /icydn /icudk -------in case yuo didnt know
idk ----- i dont know
id10t ----idiot
idjit, ijit -----idiot
idnhswtw ------- i did not have a sex with that woman
a reference to the US former president Clinton .Quite obscure
iiuc ----- if i recall correctly ; or if remember correctly
iiuc ----- if i understand correctly
igahp ----- ive got a huge penis
i like pie ---- used to express apathy or confusion towards the present
matter ,invented by YINever of the gameFAQs messenge boards
ilotibinlirl ------ i'm laughing on the internet , but i'm not laughing in
real life
IM ----- instant messenge (即时信息;可以是名词也可以是动词)
imo ------in my opinion (在我看来)
imao -----in my arrogant opinion
imhpo -------in my humble public opinion ; or in my honest opinion
imnsho ------ in my humble experience
imnsho ----- i'm not so humble opinion
inmp ---it's not my problem (这个是我错)
intpfpotm -----i nominate this post for post of the mouth
ioh ----i'm outta here
iow -----in other words
ipb -----invision power board
irc ----internet replay chat
irl ---in real life (在现实生活中)
irt ---in reply to
istr ----i seem to remember /recall (我似乎记起来了点什么)
itt ---- in this thread ; first used on forum
itym --- i think you mean ; usually prefacing a humorous " correction "
iwiamuaftp ---- i wonder if anyone makes up acronyms for this page
iydmma ---- if you don't mind me asking (如果不介意的话,请能告诉我...吗)
iykwim ----- if you know what i mean
jahoyft ------just ask him/her out you fucking tool ; used to motivate
persons suffering from unnecessary trepidation
jak -----jazak allah khair ,arabic expression for think you
jc ,j/c -----just curious
jj -----just joking ; or just kidding ; or only jokking (开个玩笑而已)
jooc -----just out of curiosity
j00,j00s,j00r -----leet speak for "you " or " your "
jw ,j/w -----just wondering (只是出于好奇,想问问而已)
k ---- ok;okay
keekles -----usually used while deliberately acting like a newbie
kewl ;kool; ----alternate forms of "cool "
kiss -----keep it simple ,stupid ( prredates the internet )
kitfo ----knock it the fuck offf .
kk -------ok cool (很常用的网络俚语)
kthxbye ------okay m thanks , goodbye . usually used to end a conversation
abruptly and rudely
knn ----- fuck your mother ( of chinese offensive remarks )
ko -----a common misspelling of ok
kol -----kiss on lips (热吻)
kos ----- kill on sight ; used to designate enemies in online games whom
--based on their prior actions ---one should kill
kree -----attention (立正;注意的意思)
ks ----- kill steal ;used in online with an experience (EXP) system ,when
one player defeats an enemy already weakended by another player .
kthanxbye -----ok ,thanks , goodbye ----- usually used to end a
conversation abruptly .
ku ----- cool .(酷)
l8,l8r -------late, later ; as the same meaning as " see you later " aften
used together with " cu " as in " cul8r " .
laffo ----- signifying for laughter .(代表大笑声)
lal ----- laugh a little . weaker form of lol used only by a select few
.(意思在表达上能稍微比LOL语气弱一点点 哦)
lbr ------little boy's room .
ld -----link dead ; used in online games when a disconnected user's persona
or character remains in the game .
ligaff ----- like i give a flying fuck .
ligas ------like i give a shit .
linkage ----link .
lion -----like it or not ...
liuy -----look it up yourself .
lmao ------ laughing my ass off (语气比LOL更强一些,意思就是狂笑)
chairmanl mao ----referring to the first communist of china .
lmfao ----- laughing my fucking ass off .(快把我笑死了啊)加了一个FUCKING
lmtfa -----leave me the fucking alone .(你他妈的别管我;或者说离我远点)
lol ------"laughing out loud" ,or " lots of laughs" as a replay to
something amusing .also "lots of love" ( not as common " alternatively a
llegedly derived from the Duch word "lol " ( "fun ") .
lolcity -------it does really means something is so funny the entire city
laughings out loud . just a bit exaggerate though
.(就是说某人或者某使很可笑,以致于连整个城市的人们都在发笑。听起来的确是有点 夸张,但真的是很有用的).
lolercaust ------pun on the word "rollerskates"; similar usage to "lol "
L@@K ------ "look" ,from eBAY. Used by seller who have nothing interesting
to say about their item ,but who try to attract attention anyway .
LOoxxen ------an altered form of "lol" . with virtually the same meaning
,but slighly enhanced .
lpb ------- means " low ping bastard " , it reference to those with low
latency (ping) very pop in online games .the opposite of " hpb" .
lsfw --------" less suitable for work" .
ltid -------laugh 'til die .
ltns ------- "long time no see ( you ) "(当你好久没见你的网友时候 ,你可以这样说 了
也可以说"HAVE'NT SN U 4 AGES )
lurker ------- one who reads an email list or messenge board but does not
partcipate in the d isscussion .
luser -------punny cross between loser and user ,can mean either of the two
.usually denotes users of Microsoft Windows .
lyl ------- "love you lots " commonly used in online games .
lylas/lylab -------love you like a sister/lover ya like a brither .
lyk,lyke ----- means " like " .
M473 ------- "Mates" pronounced may-tez ,a term referring to a good friend
,closer than a " m8" .
m8 ------ "mate " ; as the same meaning as "buddy " or "guy " or " pal"
mfc ------merge from current .
mlod -----" mega LOL of doom "
mml ---- " make mine linux " ,comeback to elitlist window users
mmorpg -----"massively multiplayer online role playing game" , a game
played online with thousands of other people from (potentially ) across the
world .
mod ---- " moderator " ( it usually refer to a forum ) or " modification
mookie law -----on the SiGames messenge board means to post a pic of
subject under discussion
motd ------"multi user dungeon "(or dimension /domain ) a type of online
computer game . very pop . please it in your mind .
mush ----- "multi user shared habitat " ,a text- based online social
environment .
myob -----" mind your own bussiness " ; also the board name of accounting
software MYOB (Australia ) ,can see also MYOB Support Forum. |