发表于 2016-7-14 03:10:15
Chapter 51. Chest, Stomach ;51. 胸,胃
1.I can't catch my breath. ;1.我的气喘不过来。
2.Ugh.My stomach hurts. 3.I have the runs. ;2.哎唷,我肚子痛。 3.我拉肚子。
4.I have heartburn. 5.I feel like throwing up. ;4.我烧心。 5.我快吐了。
6.He barfed. 7.It's a bad case of botulism. ;6.他吐了。 7.这是一个严重的 食物中毒症。
Chapter 52. Cuts & Bruises ;52. 擦伤
1.I have a splinter in my thumb. 2.I cut my finger. ;1.我的拇指扎了一根木刺 2.我的手指头割伤了。
3.I'll go get a band-aid. 4.That wound is healing nicely. ;3.我去拿一片创口贴。 4.那个伤口愈合的很平整
5.He's all bloody and bruised. ;5.他一身血迹斑斑, 遍体鳞伤。
Chapter 53. Legs ;53. 腿
1.My foot's asleep. 2.I twisted my ankle. 3.I fractured my ankle ;1.我的脚麻了。 2.我扭了足踝。 3.我弄折了足踝骨。
4.You're limping. 5.I just got a cramp. ;4.我跛脚了。 5.我刚刚抽筋。
6.Ouch!I stubbed my toe. 7.I pulled a muscle while exercising. ;6.哎唷,我踢伤脚趾头了 7.我在运动时拉伤了肌肉
8.He became paraplegic after the car accident. ;8.车祸发生后, 他变成了半身不遂。
Chapter 54. Medicine ;54. 医药
1.You're due for a checkup. ;1.又到你健康检查 的时间了。
2.How do I checkout, doc? ;2.大夫,我身体检查 的结果如何?
3.A:What shape am I in,doctor? ;3.大夫,我像什么样子 (健康情况)?
B:Pear shape. B:Apple shape. ;B:上细下粗像颗梨。 B:一身浑圆似苹果。
4.The checkup showed nothing. ;4.身体检查没显示 任何毛病。
5.He's in great shape. 6.You're checking out fine. ;5.他的身体很棒。 6.你的健康情形还好。
7.I'll have you feeling better in no time. ;7.我马上减轻你的疼痛。
8.You won't feel a thing. 9.This is the last shot. ;8.你不会感到丝毫疼痛。 9.这是最后一针了。
10.Have this prescription filled. ;10.拿这张处方去配药吧
11.Let me have the full-strength prescription. ;11.配给我最强的药。
12.Make sure he takes his medicine on time. ;12.一定要他准时服药。
13.It isn't habit-forming. ;13.这不会教人吃了上瘾
14.This is a strong medicine.A little will go a long way. ;14.这是效力很强的药, 吃一点点就能维持很 久。
15.It'll get your blood circulating. ;15.这会促进你的 血液循环。
16.This miracle pill will soothe tired muscles. ;16.这种神奇的药丸, 会舒活你的酸痛筋骨。
17.This cough syrup taste as good as it works. ;17.这种咳嗽浆的药效, 就跟它的味道一样好。
18.I have methods that never fail. ;18.我有些屡试不爽 的妙方。
19.There's no such thing as a cure-all. ;19.没有万灵丹这种东西
20.Herbal medicine is catching on in the West. ;20.愈来愈多的西方人 使用草药。
21.Drink this or I'll force it down your throat. ;21.把这个给我喝了, 不然我就强灌下去。
22.I hope this knee gets better.I hate going under the knife. ;22.我希望膝盖会好转, 我讨厌挨刀子。
23.Don't let that butcher get near me.I'll never come out alive. ;23.不要让那个屠夫挨近 我,如果他替我动手 术,我不会活着出来
24.Don't listen to him He's a quack. 25.You crummy doctor! ;24.别听他的话。 他是密医(游医)。 25.你这烂医师!
Chapter 55. Patient's Condition ;55. 病况
1.Is he on medication? 2.Have you had a bowel movement today? ;1.他正在服用 什么药物吗? 2.你今天排便了吗?
3.Are you constipated? 4.I'll check in on you later. ;3.你便秘吗? 4.我待会儿再来 看看你的病情。
5.How bad is he? ;5.他的情况有多糟呢?
6.A:How's he doing? B:He's very weak and feverish. ;6.A:他的情形如何? B:十分虚弱又发高烧。
7.A:How (are) you doing? B:I'm a wreck. ;7.A:你还好吧? B:我(的身体) 已不行了。
8.A:How's he doing? B:The doctor says he's coming along fine. ;8.A:他的情形如何? B:大夫说他病情 渐有起色。
9.How much time do I have? 10.Her condition is critical. ;9.我还能活多久? 10.她的病情十分危险。
11.Under no conditions should the patient be moved. 12.Hope he makes it. ;11.任何情况下, 都不许移动这名病人 12.希望他能撑得过去。
13.The diagnosis showed that the illness is terminal ;13.诊断的结果, 发现这是不治之症。
14.She's an expiring case. 15.He passed away. ;14.她患了绝症。 15.他去世了。
Chapter 56. Hospital visit, Recovery ;56. 探病,复元
1.when I had food poisoning,I was as sick as a dog. ;1.食物中毒时, 我病得一塌糊涂。
2.When you are sick and lying in bed, time seems to drag on. ;2.当你病卧在床时, 时间过得特别慢。
3.You'll bounce right back tomorrow. ;3.明天你会迅速恢复常 态。
4.I've rested up. 5.I'm fully recovered. ;4.我已休息够了。 5.我已痊愈了。
6.Andy was ill yesterday,but he's alive and kicking today. ;6.安迪昨天生病,但他 今天又蹦蹦跳跳了。
7.He'll be up and running in a few days. ;7.几天后他又会 生龙活虎。
8.Money,money,money. That's all you ever think about. ;8.你心中除了钱还是钱。
9.I was sick for a while,but I'm finally back on track. ;9.我病了好一阵子, 但已痊愈。
10.Ah!What a relief! ;10.哇!多轻松!
Chapter 57. Fater ;57. 命运
1.That's how the cookie crumbles. 2.It's fate. ;1.时运不济总是 免不了的。 2.这是命。
3.That's life. 4.That's the way it goes. ;3.那就是人生。 4.世事不外乎如此。
5.That's what life is all about. 6.Those are the breaks. ;5.人生就是这么一回事。 6.这就是人的运气。
7.That's the way the ball bounces. 8.That's a fact of life. ;7.命中注定如此, 我无可奈何。 8.那就是人生的真相。
9.What can you do about it?Such is life. ;9.这就是命, 你能拿它怎样?
10.Life is a gamble. 11.Life is a game of chance. ;10.生命像一场赌博。 11.人生是一场碰运气 的游戏。
12.A:He's my destiny. B:Your destiny could be your doom. ;12.A:他是我的命运。 B:是你的命运,也可能 是你的灾祸。
13.We're all pawns in the game of life. ;13.我们都是生命 棋盘中的卒。
14.You can't cheat fate. 15.It's divine. ;14.你逃脱不了 命运的安排。 15.这是天意。
16.How can I bargain with God? 17.My future is decided. ;16.我如何能和神 讨价还价呢? 17.我命该如此。
18.Everyone has his good days and his bad days. ;18.谁都有他的 得意时和倒楣日。
19.I have my ups and downs. 20.Man proposes, God disposes. ;19.我一生浮沉, 历尽沧桑。 20.谋事在人,成事在神
21.What will be will be! 22.So be it! ;21.是福不是祸, 是祸躲不过! 22.听天由命吧!
Chapter 58. Opportunity ;58. 机会
1.Opportunity never knocks twice. 2.It's now or never. ;1.良机稍纵即逝。 2.这是绝无仅有的机会。
3.Don't miss the boat. 4.It's a once in a lifetime opportunity ;3.不要错失良机。 4.这是一生中 绝无仅有的机会。
5.I found a gold mine. 6.This is my ticket to the major leagues. ;5.我掘到金矿了。 6.这是我更上一层楼 的途径。
7.I wouldn't miss this for the world. ;7.不论如何我都 不愿错过这机会。
8.I can't possibly pass that up. 9.This is your big chance.Don't blow it ;8.我哪能错失这好机会? 9.这是你难得的一个 好机会,不要弄砸了。
10.Don't let it slip through your fingers. ;10.可别让好机会 从指缝里溜走。
Chapter 59. Timing ;59. 机宜
1.Timing is everything 2.There's no time like the present. ;1.掌握好机宜, 至关紧要。 2.没任何时机比现在更好
3.Act today! Don't delay. ;3.今天就付诸行动, 不要拖延!
4.Get it while it's there. 5.It's time to reap. ;4.花堪折时直须折, 莫待无花空折枝。 5.是收割的时候了。
6.You have perfect timing. 7.Your timing is impeccable. ;6.你的时间选得恰到好 处。 7.你算得真准。
8.You've picked a wonderful day. ;8.你挑对了好日子。
9.You said the right thing at right time. ;9.你在节骨眼里 说对了话。
10.It's a fine time for him to get sick! ;10.他现在生病, 真是挑对了时刻!
11.The right time hasn't come yet. 12.Not now. ;11.时机尚未成熟。 12.不要现在做。
13.Your timing is lousy. ;13.你很不懂得掌握时机
Chapter 60. Godd Luck ;60. 好运
1.This is some roll of the dice! 2.Today is my day. ;1.这一手骰子扔得好! 2.今天我的手气很好。
3.A:How's your luck running? B:I'm on a hot streak. ;3.A:你的手气如何? B:我现在财星高照。
4.Every dog has his day. ;4.每个人都有时来 运转的一天。
5.That lucky dog won the lottery! 6.You're damn lucky. ;5.那个幸运的家伙 中了彩券! 6.你的运气太好了!
7.He's born under a lucky star. 8.We got a break. ;7.他一生吉星高照。 8.今天算我们走运。
9.(It's a) good thing he didn't know that. ;9.幸亏他不晓得那件事。
10.A:Any luck? B:Yes and no. ;10.A:运气如何? B:说不上好或坏。
B:So so. B:Not too good, not too bad. ;B:马马虎虎。 B:不好也不坏。
11.A:That was pure luck. ;11.A:那完全是靠运气好
B:Luck has nothing to do with it.It's pure skill. ;B:运气好坏和它扯不上 关系,这纯粹靠好 技术得来。
12.You can't press your luck all the time. ;12.你不能老倚仗 你的好运气。
13.You can't tempt fate. ;13.你无法向命运挑战。
14.He always thinks God is on his side. ;14.你总以为自己 稳操胜券。
15.Don't be so sure of the future. 16.What goes up,must come down. ;15.不要对未来太有把握。 16.凡兴起的, 不免有败落之时。
17.The future is never certain. 18.My luck ran out. ;17.前途未卜。 18.我的气数尽了。
Chapter 61. Slim Chance ;61. 机会微小
1.What chance do we have? 2.It's all a matter of luck. ;1.我们胜算的机会有多大 2.这纯粹是运气好坏的 问题。
3.It's a game of hit or miss. 4.It's a shot in the dark. ;3.这是一场输赢纯靠 运气的游戏。 4.这机会渺茫。
5.The odds are against me. 6.My chance is only one in a million. ;5.时不我予。 6.我只有百万分之一 的机会。
7.You don't even stand a chance. 8.Dream on! ;7.你连个门儿也没有。 8.继续做你的美梦吧。
9.That's next to impossible. 10.Lots of luck! 11.You wish! ;9.那简直不可能。 10.想得美! 11.你梦想!
12.Not a chance in hell. 13.There's no hope. ;12.没这可能。 13.没希望可言。 |