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发表于 2016-7-13 22:38:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          Phoebe's Dad:菲比的爸爸
          [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica, Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe are
there. Phoebe is looking out the window.]
          PHOEBE: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Ugly Naked Guy is decorating his tree. Oh
my God, you should see the size of his Christmas Balls.
          [Chandler and Joey enter.]
          JOEY: Hey.
          CHANDLER: Hey.
          RACHEL: Hey.
          JOEY: Hey, how much did you guys tip the super this year?
          tip vt.给小费/super(=supervisor)n.管理员
          CHANDLER: Yeah, we were gonna give fifty, but if you guys gave more, we
don't wanna look bad.
          MONICA: Oh, actually this year we just made him homemade cookies.
          homemade adj.自制的,本国制的
          CHANDLER: And twenty-five it is.
          JOEY: You gave him cookies?
          MONICA: Money is so impersonal. Cookies says someone really cares. . .
Alright, we're broke, but cookies do say that.
          impersonal adj.a.不受个人感情影响的,没有人情味的(a large impersonal
          broke adj.没有钱的,一文不名的/ Penniless(adj.赤贫的)
          PHOEBE: I can see that. A plate of brownies once told me a limerick.
          browny adj.棕色的n.巧克力糕 brownie is a small square or rectangle(n.长方形) of rich
usually chocolate cake often containing nuts;
          limerick n.五行打油诗 limerick is a light humorous, nonsensical(adj.荒谬的), or
bawdy(adj.淫秽的,猥亵的) verse of five anapestic(adj.抑抑扬格的, 短短长格的) lines usually with
the rhyme scheme(v.设计) aabba.(打油诗)
          CHANDLER: Phoebs, let me ask you something, were, were these, uh, funny
          PHOEBE: Not especially. But you know what, I think they had pot in
          pot n.大麻(烟)/ pot brownie is a kind of popular food for youths who
are eating when there is something big to celebrate, by sharing this
marijuana(n.大麻)-laced(adj.掺入的) brownies, you hit the high
          ROSS: So you guys, who else did you tip with cookies?
          RACHEL: Uhh, the mailman(邮差), the super.
          [There's a bang(n.突然巨响) at the door.]
          MONICA: Oh, and the newspaper delivery guy.
          [Joey opens the door and picks up the remnants of the newspaper.
          remnant n.残余,剩余
          JOEY: Oh my God.
          RACHEL: What?
          JOEY: Uhhh, I don't think you're gonna like this.
          [Joey shows them the torn-up newspaper.]
          teap up v.撕碎/torn-up adj.撕碎了的
          RACHEL: Ooh, goooosh, ooh, these are cookies smashed in the sports
          smash v.打碎,打破(smash a cup on the floor)/the sports section (体育新闻栏)
          MONICA: Oh look, and he did my crossword puzzle (纵横字谜).
          ROSS: Yeah, but not very well但做的不是很好, unless 14-across, 'Gershwin
musical(n.音乐喜剧)' actually is bite me bite me bite me bite me.
          Gershwin is an US composer who incorporated(将……合成一体) jazz into classical
forms and composed scores(n.乐谱) for musical comedies (1898-1937)
          [Scene: Central Perk. Monica, Chandler, and Joey are seated at couches.
Rachel is working behind the counter.]
          JOEY: I can't believe it's Christmas already. Ya know, I mean, one day your
eatin' turkey, the next thing ya know, your lords are a-leapin' and you geese
are a-layin'.
          lord n.封建领主, 地主, 统治者, [宗]上帝
          leap v.跳, 跳越, 跳跃/
          CHANDLER: Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year.
          [Ross enters with several bags from shopping.]
          ROSS: Hey guys.
          CHANDLER, MONICA, and JOEY: Hey.
          [Ross approaches. Rachel at counter.]
          ROSS: Hey Rach. I, uh, got you a little present. [Rachel is not impressed].
. I'll open it. It's a Slinky! Remember, huh. [sings] Walks down stairs, alone
or in pairs, everyone knows it's. . . just a big spring. Alright, you still mad
at me becuase of the whole. . .
          in pairs成双的
          spring n.弹簧
          slinky: A Slinky is a coil(v.盘绕,卷)-shaped toy, invented by Naval engineer
Richard James and his wife, Betty James. Slinkys come in various sizes, but are
usually no larger than a grown adult's fist. The shape is a simple spiral(n.螺旋),
or coil design, of a ribbon(n.丝带) of material, originally metal. The Slinky is
famous for its ability to "walk" down stairs as the coils stretch and reform as
gravity moves them down each step
          RACHEL: Horrible and degrading list of reasons not to be with me?
          degrading adj.丧失体面的, 可耻的, 不名誉的
          ROSS: How 'bout from now on we just call it the 'unfortunate incident不幸事件'?
[Rachel walks off] Hey Gunther, you got stairs in your place?
          GUNTHER: Yeah.
          ROSS: Here, go nuts(拿去疯吧). [gives him the Slinky and goes and sits with
others at the couches]
          ROSS: Hey guys.
          CHANDLER, MONICA, and JOEY: Hey.
          CHANDLER: What's in the bag?
          ROSS: Um, just some presents.
          JOEY: C'mon show us what you bought. . . You know you want to.
          ROSS: [childishly] OK. OK, this is a picture frame相框 from Ben to my
parents, huh.
          MONICA: Cute.
          ROSS: I got some, uh, hers and hers towels for Susan and Carol. And, uh, I
got this blouse(n. 似衬衫的上衣) for mom.
          [Ross holds up the blouse. It is extremely tacky, with sewn-on medals
hanging off of it.]
          tack n.平头钉,[喻]方针,政策(change tack)/tacky adj.俗气的(tacky
          sew v.(用针线)缝/sewn-on medal缝在上面的奖章
          hang off 悬挂在上面来回晃动
          MONICA: Ross, that is gorgeous!
          ROSS: Yeah?
          MONICA: Look at these authentic fake medals. I tell ya, mom's gonna be
voted best dressed at the make-believe military academy.
          [Phoebe enters.]
          PHOEBE: Hey.
          GANG: Hey. Hi Phoebe.
          PHOEBE: Happy Christmas Eve Eve(12月23日). [sees Ross's picture frame] Oh my
God, where did you get this?
          ROSS: Uh, Macy's, third floor, home furnishings.
          furnishings n.家具,设备, 服饰用品,穿戴用品,室内陈设品
          PHOEBE: This is my father, this is a picture of my dad.
          CHANDLER: Nah, Phoebs, that's the guy that comes in the frame.
          PHOEBE: No it isn't, this is my dad, alright, I'll show you.
          RACHEL: Phoebe, I thought your dad was in prison.
          PHOEBE: No, that's my stepdad. My real dad's the one that ran out on us离开
before I was born.
          RACHEL: How have you never been on Oprah(美国著名脱口秀节目)?
          Oprah is a long-running daytime television talk show, hosted, produced and
owned by Oprah Winfrey. It runs the gamut(n.全音阶,整个范围) from gossip to
entertainment to health, frequently turning to personal revelations on the part
of the host
          PHOEBE: [showing her pictures] OK, look, see, this is him. My mother gave
me this picture before she died, same guy.
          MONICA: Honey, uh, this is a picture of the frame guy posing in front of a
bright blue screen with a collie.
          collie n.[动]牧羊狗(一种高大聪敏长毛的牧羊狗)/collie: a silky-coated(绒毛光滑的) sheepdog(n.牧羊犬)
with a long ruff(n.颈部的环状毛) and long narrow head developed in Scotland
          PHOEBE: It's not a blue screen... it's just, maybe it was just really
clear(adj.万里晴空的) that day. OK, I have to talk to my grandmother. [turns to
          MONICA: Oh, wait a minute honey.
          GANG: Phoebs. [Phoebe leaves]
          MONICA: Wow.
          JOEY: So anyway, I'm trying to get my boss's ex-wife to sleep with me. .
          GANG: Joey!
          JOEY: Oh, but when Phoebe has a problem, everyone's all ears!
          be all ears全都洗耳恭听
          [Scene: Phoebe's grandmother's place. Phoebe's grandmother is sitting at
the table, reading the obituaries, and crossing out names in the phonebook.]
          cross out删去, 注销
          GRANDMOTHER: Esther Livingston. [scratches out name] Gone.
          scratch out v.划掉,勾去

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