015 bathroom
Towel rail
Shower gel
Shaving cream
Bath towel
Take a shower
Have a wash
Look in the mirror
Have a shave
Brush your teeth
Comb/brush your hair
A: what’s the first thing you do when you go to the bathroom in the
B: I look at myself in the mirror. Sometimes, it’s not a pleasant sight,
especially if I have been out late the late before.
A: do you usually shower or take a bath?
B: I usually don’t have time for a bath in the mornings, so I just take a
shower. Sometimes I need a cold shower to wake me up and sometimes I need a hot
one, especially if it’s winter and I need to wamp3 up.
A; do you shave every morning?
B: I shave every workday, but I only shave at weekends if I’m going out
somewhere. If I’m staying at home, I don’t shave.
A: do you brush your teeth twice a day as dentists recommend?
B: Yes. I brush my teeth in the morning, just before I go to work. It’s
actually the last thing I do before leaving. Then I brush again before bed.
A: your dentist must be proud of you!
A: the bathroom looks lovely. Did you redecorate it yourself or did you get
someone in to do it for you?
B: I did it myself. I went online and found a lot of website devoted to
home improvement. Then I went to DIY shop and bought everything I needed. I’m
sure I saved a lot of money by doing it myself and it was fun too. I learnt a
lot by doing it myselft.
A: so, let’s see. You have put new tiles on the floor and replaced a few
tiles on the walls. You’ve also added a small cupboard for toiletries. The bath,
shower, and washbasin are the same as before, aren’t they?
B: yes, they are. I gave them a good clean. They are in good condition and
don’t need to be replaced.
A: how long did it take you to do the tiling.
B: as I hadn’t done it before, I had to keep referring to infomp3ation I
got from the internet. Doing the floor tiles took a whole day-from early morning
to right through to the evening. Then I spent a few hours replacing the cracked
wall tiles. Putting the cupboard up took about an hour, so it took me two days
A: I think you’ve done a very good job. As least as good as a professional
would do. Perhaps I can convince you to redo my bathroom?
B: you’ll be lucky! However, I’ll print out the infomp3ation I got from the
internet and you can do it yourselfe |