Tina Weirather from Liechtenstein on her way to winning an alpine skiing event, the Women's World Cup super-G, in Germany. (Photo: AP/ Pier Marco Tacca)
This photo shows skier Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein. She has won her first World Cup victory after descending down a steep and fast course to win a super-G (a super giant slalom) race in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany.
这张照片上的是列支敦士登的速滑健将蒂娜•维瑞兹。 她在德国加米施帕滕基举行的一次超级大回转速降滑雪比赛上成功地完成了陡峭滑坡的挑战,赢得了她的第一个世界杯胜利。
如果用 on a slippery slope 来形容某人或某事所处的状态,意思就是情况越来越糟,急剧下滑,如果不及时采取措施就会变得更糟 (有时也可以说 going downhill 滑坡) 。
The country's economy was on a slippery slope following the closure of its biggest industry.
With his big drinking problem he was on a slippery slope to bad health.
如果某人被形容为 as slippery as an eel 意思就是此人奸诈狡猾,说明此人是靠不住的、不诚实的,而且很难捉住这个人的破绽。
I wouldn't recommend doing business with Bob; he's as slippery as an eel. |