An emotional US President Barack Obama has unveiled newrestrictions on gun
purchases, saying the "constant excusesfor inaction" have to stop.
Wiping away tears, the president recalled the Sandy Hook primary school
shooting in 2012 where20 children and six adults were killed.
His executive actions, without Congress approval, widen background checks
on potential gunbuyers.
But the National Rifle Association said it would fight Mr Obama's
And the leader of the House of Representatives, the Republican Paul Ryan,
said the plans werecertain to be challenged in the courts.
"His words and actions amount to a form of intimidation that undermines
liberty," he said.
Meanwhile, sales of guns in the US appear to have risen, amid speculation
in recent weeks thatthe White House was going to tighten the law.
Earlier, the president announced the law change at the White House, while
surrounded bysurvivors and relatives of victims of shootings.
"The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage right now, but they can't
hold Americahostage," Mr Obama said.