发表于 2016-7-12 23:10:06
3. Relationships matter—a lot.
“At 56, for people who put energy into families, there was a big payback,”
said Michael Apted.
Again and again, the “Up” series reveals how critical friends, family, and
social connections are to an individual’s success and happiness in life. For
both men and women, caring for others invested their lives with a meaning that
they weren’t able to find in any other activity.
4. Money also matters—but only up to a point.
The series originally set out to examine the long-term impact of social
class on happiness and life chances. And it does, in fact, show that money
matters. But the research also shows that once we secure food, shelter, and a
minimum level of comfort, happiness springs from life meaning and relationships
much more than money.
5. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Yes, research does find that inequality makes us unhappy—but it turns out
that this has little to do with absolute amounts of money. It's the comparisons
that hurt.