Seasonal Greetings
简介:Max Baucus 马克斯·鲍克斯,男,
2013年12月18日,白宫官员将马克斯·鲍克斯(Max Baucus)任命为新一届驻华大使。
A Message from Ambassador Max Baucus and Melodee Hanes, 2014
As Christmas is around the corner, U.S. ambassador in China Max Baucus and
his wife MelodeeHanes have released a new year message in a video, wishing
friends in China and around the worlda happy new year.
In the message, Max Baucus said US-China relationship is the most important
bilateral relationship inthe world and the two countries have made great
progress this year from historic aggreement tocub emissions to the extension of
visa validity and also important progress on trade and militaryrelations.
Melodee Hanes reflected on their year in 2014, saying, "Since we were
arriving in March, Max and Itraveled all over China, from the street of Shanghai
to the home of Confusions in Qufu, and sites inBeijing, like the Temple of
Heaven and the Great Wall. We see a China with a very rich history, avibrant
presence and a very promising future."
At the end of the message, she said, "Hope that this year has been a happy
and prospers one foryou, your family, and all of your loved ones."
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
圣诞节来了,除了来自美国驻华大使的祝福,小编也在这里祝福大家Merry Christmas,希望大家能够开开心心地迎接2015.