发表于 2016-7-12 23:06:21
Many of you are going to take what you learned here, get a good job, get married, buy a house,have a family, be a great parent, serve your community and your country, hang with friends and live a good life and that’s great. Minnesota is a wonderful place to hunt, fish, canoe, raise kids,and pursue lots of interests other than just your job.But all of you will ultimately make a choice… a choice about whether you “work to live” or whether you gonna “live to work.” That should be a conscious choice. Don’t get trapped into the daily routine of showing up and just getting by While you’re excited about your first “real” job, recognize that your interests and those of your employer are probably not the same. Having your employer tell you what a great job you’re doing and rewarding you for it is not the same as discovering your passion, and figuring out who you are, and what’s rewarding for you.What I am saying is, “Don’t let a career just happen to you.” And more importantly, as much you love, respect and honor your parents, don’t live their lives. Your obligations to meet their expectations ended the day you became an adult.At the end of the day, you can decide whether you want to be an employee with a great attendance record, getting promoted to ever better titles and working on interesting projects or whether you want to attempt to do something spectacular this choice between be or do should be a question you never stop asking yourself — for the next 20 years. Be? or Do?
Let me share with you the day I faced the Be or Do question.Out of the military, my first job in Silicon Valley was with one of the most exciting companies you never heard of. By the time I joined it was a decade old, and no longer a startup. Our customers were the CIA, the NSA, and the National Reconnaissance Office. Our CEO, Bill Perry eventually became the Secretary of Defense.In the 1970’s and ‘80’s the U.S. military realized that our advantage over the Soviet Union was in silicon, software and systems.These technologies allowed our country to build weapons previously thought impossible or impractical. he technology was amazing, and in my 20’s I found myself in the middle of it.Building these systems required resources beyond the scope of any single company. A complete system had spacecraft and rockets and the resources of ten’s of thousands of people from multiple companies.If you love technology, these projects are hard to walk away from. It was geek heaven.
While I worked on these incredibly interesting intelligence systems,my friends were in startups working on new things called microprocessors. They’d run around saying, “Hey look, I can program this chip to make this speaker go beep.” I’d roll my eyes, comparing the toy-like microprocessors to what I was working on which was so advanced you would have thought we acquired it from aliens.But before long I realized that at my company, I was just a cog in a very big wheel. A small team had already figured out how to solve the problem and ten’s of thousands of us worked to build the solution. Given where I was in the hierarchy, I calculated that the odds of me being in on those decisions didn’t look so hot anytime.In contrast, my friends at startups were living in their garages fueled with an energy and passion to use their talents to pursue their own ideas, however unexpected or crazy they sounded.