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发表于 2016-7-12 22:03:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

          《大红灯笼》讲述的是这样一个故事:民国时期的女大学生颂莲因家庭变故,嫁给江南财主陈佐千做四姨太,为了争得陈佐千的恩宠,四位太太明争暗斗。失宠的颂 莲冒着生命危险向大少爷飞浦表白了爱情,却不料飞浦是个同性恋。三太太梅珊与人偷情被捉,投井而死。目睹这一切的颂莲受到惊吓发疯。旋即,陈佐千的第五任 太太又吹吹打打迎娶进了门。
          An amazing ballet show telling a traditional Chinese story is challenging what ballet should look like. "Raise the Red Lantern" is based on the film of the same name directed by renowned director Zhang Yimou.
          The show was staged on Friday night at the National Centre for the performing arts in Beijing and was presented by The Nation Ballet of China.
          A pallet of gorgeous colors, breathtaking melodies and close-knit choreography delivers a ballet so different to what most people think of. Yet the audience was blown away by this bold Chinese attempt on ballet.
          However, the dazzling elements of the ballet serves to tell the rather dark tale of a young girl being forced to become the concubine of a wealthy man in early 20th century China.
          She struggles bitterly with her fate, but is ultimately overpowered by her master. The dance moves were brimming with tension, magnifying the struggle to the full.
          The agony and shame was also highlighted by the clever use of unique Chinese props. Some viewers were so moved, they were eager to share their opinions to make it even better.
          Du Shouping, Audience Member, said, "I’ve seen quite a few western classical ballets, but this is truly an innovation...I think it would be even better if they included more Chinese elements. For example, if only they added a few bars of Chinese suona horn and Chinese cymbals, these are common instruments in Chinese weddings."
          The show has been performed hundreds of time across China since its conception in 2001, and now the producers are planning to take it one step further.
          "In February, the National Ballet of China be a hit."
          Wang Quanxing, Deputy Director of National Ballet of China, said, "Gestures and body language are universal, our customs are also very unique, we hired a French designer to ensure that it is ethnic and also chic. So whether it’s music, customs or choreography we know that it will be well received. "
          The National Ballet of China will also be performing more classical ballet works such as Swan Lake for audiences in Canada.

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