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英语听力视频:微软推出Windows Phone8今秋正式上市









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发表于 2016-7-12 22:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

          Windows Phone 8: Most personal phone ever
              Microsoft has also been busy working to carve out its own corner of the mobile operating system market. But so far it’s been dwarfed both by Apple and Google’s Android Operating System. Now it wants to heat up the competition with the new Windows Phone 8, coming out this fall. It offered a first look at the software on Wednesday.
          Microsoft unveiled what it calls the most personal phone ever the Windows Phone 8, which features a start screen with live tiles.
          Joe Belfiore, Vice President of Microsoft Corporate, said, "I am pretty happy to introduce to you the new Windows Phone 8 start screen. Our users have told us they want it to be more customizable and personal, and we’ve listened."
          The Windows Phone 8 supports three screen resolutions, has micro SD slots and comes loaded with a sophisticated secure payment system.
          But the most important announcement for developers is that Windows Phone 8 will have a shared Windows core.



          Microsoft unveiled what it calls the most personal phone ever the Windows Phone 8,
          which features a start screen with live tiles.
          Software developers will be able to design apps and programs that can be more easily adapted to work across both Window’s phones and PC’s.
          He said, "Again everyone benefits, the quality improves, the performance improves, the time to market improves. It’s efficient for the ecosystem and good for consumers, developers and hardware partners."
          Scott Ellison of IDC said, "It’s a big step forward, because right now what Apple and Google have done is largely created vibrant ecosystems on smartphones and tablets but there hasn’t been as much integration with PC’s and it’s clear Microsoft is trying to bring its enormous market presence on PC’s onto smartphones and vice versa."



          Microsoft unveiled what it calls the most personal phone ever the Windows Phone 8,
          which features a start screen with live tiles.
          Ellison says Windows-based phones, especially Nokia handsets, have a good chance to disrupt the two-horse race between Apple IOS and Google Android devices in the U.S. market.
          Unlike the competition, the new Windows-based Nokia Lumia 900 can be dropped without fear of damage.
          It’s also more colorful and starting to become trendy among techies in both the U.S. and China.



          Microsoft unveiled what it calls the most personal phone ever the Windows Phone 8,
          which features a start screen with live tiles.
          He said, "What China and the U.S. have in common, particularly when it comes to Windows, is that both of those markets were very receptive to the new Lumia devices that came out. I think that’s going to be very interesting to watch because both the U.S. and china are the two most important individual smart phone markets and two most important individual app markets as well."
          CCTV’s Mark Niu said, "Microsoft says Windows Phone 8 will have Nokia map technology built in and that the maps will work off-line - a similar feature that has recently been announced by both Apple and Google. Microsoft also showed off a tap and send feature, which allows you to take your phone and just send files or make payments by tapping it to other Windows devices. Windows Phone 8 is expected to begin shipping this fall. "
        相关资讯:微软表示,共享核心意味着用户将可在手机和应用方面拥有更大的选择余地,未来将可更加方便地在多种设备之间进行切换。微软刚刚于本周一发布了Surface平板电脑,这是该公司为参与迅速增长的移动计算市场而采取的措施之一,目标直指苹果iPad。在发布会上,微软表示,使用Windows Phone 8操作系统的手机将在今年秋天上市,这种操作系统看起来与Windows 8操作系统十分相像,这两种系统都基于触摸友好的“拼贴”(类似马赛克的彩色方块)、应用和服务,这些特性可实时更新,如显示Facebook帖子或新收到的电子邮件等。Windows Phone 8将包含来自诺基亚的地图和GPS寻路功能。微软已经在去年与诺基亚达成协议,为诺基亚的智能手机提供操作系统软件,试图藉此提高销售量。此外,三星和HTC也都生产Windows Phone手机。新的Windows Phone手机还将内置近场通信软件,允许数据和金融交易进行迅速的无线传输。Windows Phone手机已经得到了良好的评价,但在市场上则尚未流行起来,很大一部分原因是与苹果和Android手机相比,微软手机的可用应用相对较少。微软希望,PC和手机软件共享核心将可让开发者能更加容易地为两个平台开发软件,只需作出最小的修正。微软已为进一步打入手机市场而进行了大量的投资,但到目前为止在这一市场上所占份额仍旧较小。许多业界人士都认为,手机市场对于计算的未来至关重要。市场研究公司Gartner发布的数据显示,上一季度微软在全球智能手机市场上所占份额仅为2%;与此相比,谷歌Android手机为56%,苹果为23%。

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