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发表于 2016-7-12 22:01:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          1【Heavy shelling in Syrian rebel outpost】叙利亚反叛军前哨基地遭重轰
          TEXT: Smoke clung to the skyline in Homs and just as it appeared to be clearing, another explosion --- as activists reported government forces were intensifying their assault on the city. Reuters cannot independently verify the content of this video, which was posted to a socialmedia website. The heaviest shelling was directed at a part of Homs inhabited mostly by Sunni tribal families and there are reports that rebel outposts in Rastan and other parts of central Syria are also under heavy fire. UN efforts to bring peace to Syria - where a 15-month-old uprising against Assad has turned increasingly violent - have largely come to nothing. In Geneva, a spokesperson for mediator Kofi Annan expressed concerns that locals could be trapped in targeted areas.SOUNDBITE: Kofi Annan's Spokesperson, Ahmad Fawzi saying: "Mr. Annan is particularly worried about the recent shelling in Homs as well as reports of the use of mortar, helicopters and tanks in the town of al-Haffeh in Latakia." Activists say at least 35 people were killed on Monday. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.
        参考译文: 霍姆斯的天空浓烟滚滚,一波未平,另一波爆炸又开始了。据积极分子称,政府军加大了对胡姆斯的攻击。路透社无法核实这段上传到社交媒体网站的视频是否属实。最严重的轰炸主要集中在部分居住逊尼派部族家庭的地区,也有报道称,叛军在Rastan的前哨以及叙利亚中部的其他地区也遭到猛烈的轰炸。叙利亚15个月之久的反对阿萨德起义已经渐渐的转变成暴乱,联合国的和平努力收获甚微。在日内瓦,调停人安南表示,他担心当地人可能被困在遭袭击的区域。艾哈迈德·法瓦兹。安南的发言人艾哈迈德·法瓦兹说称:“安南对最近胡姆斯的炮击事件深感担忧,包括对拉塔基亚市al-Haaffeh镇使用迫击炮,直升机和坦克。”积极分子称,在周一的轰炸中,至少有35人死亡。
          2【Child rescued from deadly fall in China】中国上演惊心营救欲坠小孩
          TEXT: Dangling by her head from a fourth-floor balcony, a four-year-old is saved from a deadly fall when this man risks his life to help her last week. According to China's CCTV state media, 23-year-old Zhou Chong propped the toddler up with his hand for almost 10 minutes, standing on his toes until the girl was rescued on June 3. It took a few days for local media and residents to track him down for an interview on Saturday. (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) 23-YEAR OLD RESCUER, ZHOU CHONG, SAYING: "Because at that time, she might have been dangling up there for a few minutes already and a girl of three or four-years-old could not be that strong. At that time, she already had her head stuck in the railings and was already dangling there, so I thought that I could reach up with my hand and let her stand on it, as she would have more strength with her feet, so then she would not be in danger." The rescuer had left the scene without speaking about the incident, CCTV said. Sarah Sheffer, Reuters
        参考译文: 上周,一个四岁小女孩的头卡在了四层楼高的阳台上,整个身体都悬在空中。画面上的这位男子冒着生命危险营救了命悬一线的小女孩。据中国官方媒体中央电视台报道,在6月3日,23岁的周冲脚尖搭着阳台边沿,用手支撑了这位小女孩近10分钟,直到她被营救出来。当地媒体和居民发了好几天,直至周六才找到了这为男子做了采访。周冲说:“因为那个时候,她可能已经在那悬挂在那悬挂了几分钟,一个三,四岁的女孩子,可能没有那么强壮。当时她的头已经卡在了栏杆里,整个身体悬挂在那。所以我想可以让她站在我的手上,这样她的脚就有了支点,这样就不会有危险。”中央电视台报道,在营救完小女孩后,他只是默默的离开了。
          3【Dog is proud tiger mom】大爱狗喂养小白虎
          TEXT: A dog in China has decided that motherly love knows no boundaries - and has become a tiger mom. She is suckling a litter of white Siberian tiger cubs, after their own mother rejected them at birth. While real mom roams around in her enclosure at the Rongcheng Zoo, dog mom takes care of the cubs as if they were her own. SOUNDBITE: Zoo Keeper, Zhou Xiaoguang, Saying (Mandarin) "She's treating the tiger cubs just like they were her own, licking them and comforting them." The dog has two puppies of her own, and has to raise both cats and dogs. Just for 20 more days though when the cubs will start to eat solids to become the largest cats on the planet. Elly Park, Reuters.
        参考译文: 在中国,一只母狗向我们展示了母爱无边的情怀,成为了一群小白虎的"妈妈"。她正在哺育着一窝白色的西伯利亚虎幼崽,它们的母亲生下它们后丢弃了它们。当母虎还在汉诺威Rongcheng动物园到处游荡时,狗妈妈却在照顾着这些幼崽们,好像都是她亲身的一样。动物园管理员周晓光说:“她对待幼虎就像对待自己的孩子一样,舔着,安抚着它们”这只狗自己有两只小狗,因此必须要同时抚养它们。20天后,这些小白虎就可以开始喂养固体食物,它们将成为地球上最大的猫科动物。
          4【Tomato-flinging warriors take charge】西红柿狂欢之战
          TEXT: Around 18 tons of tomatoes and thousands of fruit-flinging enthusiasts make for a juicy fight. Sutamarchan in Colombia is the battle ground for the annual Tomatina festival where ripe tomatoes are the preferred weapon of the day. The sixth annual fest draws warriors from far afield. SOUNDBITE: Oliver Martin, Tourist, saying (Spanish) "I think it's crazy here. It's an event that never happens in France and I wanted to experience it here-- a tomato fight is once-in-a-lifetime and I am happy here." SOUNDBITE: Sam Gibson, Tourist, saying (English) "We arrived last night and this has just been absolutely crazy today." The sea of red pulp is in honor of Colombian farmers and it celebrates the end of fall in the southern hemisphere, and the end of a year of hard work. You may think that all these crushed tomatoes could have made a lot of red pasta sauce - but rest assured they were unfit for human consumption. Elly Park, Reuters.
        参考译文: 大约18吨的西红柿被数千名水果之战爱好者用来狂欢。哥伦比亚Sutamarchan是一年一度西红柿大战的举办地,那一天熟透的西红柿成为狂欢的首选武器。第六届年度西红柿狂欢吸引四面八方的参赛者。游客奥利弗·马丁说:“我想这真的太疯狂了。在法国,我们绝不会这么做的,我想在这里好好体验一下,西红柿狂欢千载难逢,我在这里玩的很愉快。游客山姆·吉布森说:“我们昨天晚上刚到这,今天真的太疯狂了。大片的红色果肉表达的是对哥伦比亚农民的敬意,是对南半球秋天接近尾生以及一年的辛苦劳动结束的庆祝。你可能会认为这些砸坏的西红柿本可以制作许多红面酱,但你放心,这些西红柿是不宜供人食用的。

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