发表于 2016-7-12 21:35:06
Janis:I think that is quite a good reason to take leave.
I'll approve your request. I'll make a note of it in your file. By the way,
I want to remind you that all Extension of Visa applications for foreign students are due tomorrow.
Tom:Actually, I've already turned mine in.
Janis:Great. How long are you trying to extend for?
Tom:6 months. Then I think I'll take some time off school and relax.
Narrator:That's the end of Section 1. You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to Section 1.
Now turn to Section 2.
Section 2
Narrator:You are going to hear a tape recording of instructions and advice which a woman named Carol has left for her friend Janet,
who is going to take care of her house and pets while she is away. First, look at questions 13 to 18.
As you listen to the tape, answer questions 13 to 18.
Carol:Hello, Janet. I am so grateful that you'll be taking care of the house and pets while I am away.
I really owe you.
Here is what you need to know to take care of the house.
Actually, there isn't much you need to do because I've a mind who comes every Tuesday morning to clean the house.
So that'll be Tuesday 14th, Tuesday 21th, Tuesday 28th and Tuesday 5th. Her name is Maria Sanchez.
She's about 1.70 meters tall and has dark curly hair. She usually comes at around 9 in the morning.
So if you hear a knock at the door, it's probably her. She does an absolutely fabulous job.
She will dust all the cupboards and shelves, and vacuum and mop the floor.
She should also scrub both the kitchen and the bathrooms.
If you choose, she will take your laundry to the cleaners first thing,
and then fetch it before she leaves. If you decide to have her take your clothes to be cleaned,
just leave them on the blue chair by the front door either Monday night or Tuesday morning before Maria arrives.
35 pounds should be enough for her to pay the laundry bill;
my bill is usually around 28 pounds.
Now about the pets. I am sure you have already met my dog.
His name is Butch. And my cat. Her name is Princess. They are both quite friendly,
so don't be afraid of them. Especially Butch, he is much nicer than he looks.
Now, Butch needs to go outside for a walk once a day.
Please walk with him for about 45 minutes. This is all the exercise he gets, and he sure needs it.
You can find Butch's food on the shelf on the right hand side of the kitchen sink.
He usually eats about two cups every day. By the way, on Thursday 28th,
a new bag of food for Butch will arrive. But it is already paid for,
so do not give the postman any money! As for Princess, she is very independent,
so you don't have to worry much about her. Just fill her bowl with food whenever you notice that it is empty.
Her food is in the same place as Butch's food. Also, please be careful not leave any windows or doors open.
Last time a window was left open, Princess got outside and didn't come home for four days.
So be careful. Also, on Wednesday 3rd could you give Princess a bath? Thanks.
Narrator:Now look at Questions 19 to 24.
Carol:Well, Janet, I'm trying to think of what else to tell you.
As you know, I will be visiting my sister Melody in Australia, for about a month.
She just had her first child last month. Can you believe i
She's my younger sister, but she's already married and having children.
Why, I can remember when we were children ourselves. Time goes by so quickly.
Anyway, I'll be staying with her and her husband at their home in Melbourne.
If you need to reach me there, the phone number is 265.2256. It is also posted on the refrigerator.
From the 27th to the 7th, I won't be in Melbourne.
I am going to go to Sydney for a few days. I have tickets to see the famous Australian singer Adam Rickett perform at the Sydney Opera House.
I really am looking forward to it. The Sydney Opera House is a very famous place,
and I just absolutely adore Adam Rickett. I am so excited! Then, after that,
I am going to travel to the north coast and do some scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the largest living coral reefs in the world.
I hear the fish that you can see while scuba diving are truly beautiful. They're salt-water tropical fish,
so the colouring of their skins is extraordinary-bright blues, greens, reds, purples, yellows and oranges.
After that, I am going to go to the desert for a day or two.
In Australia they call the desert the Outback. I hope to see some real kangaroos!
Finally, I will return to Melbourne on the 10th, to my sister's house.
My flight from Sydney leaves on the 11th at 10PM. I expect to be back in London on the 12th at around noon.