颐和园(the Summer
The Summer Palace is considered to be the paradigm of the classical Chinese
garden.It is a galaxy of the essence of classical Chinese gardens in the north
and the south and integrates artificial landscapes with nature in perfect
harmony.The Summer Palace is China's best-preserved and largest ancient garden
up to date and is considered to represent the peak of Chinese garden art.This
large natural landscape garden, known as the Royal Garden Museum, was based on
Kunming Lake and Longevity Hill, using the blueprint for the West Lake in
Hangzhou and absorbing the techniques and artistic conception used in Jiangnan
garden design. The Summer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and is now
deeply loved by visitors both home and abroad.
1.中国古典园林最好的例证:可译为the paradigm of theclassical Chinese
2.荟萃南北园林之精华:“莶萃”即“融合,混合”,可译为词组a blend of或gather together。文中译为a galaxy
of,其中galaxy意为“一群,一批”。“南北园林”即 “南方和北方的园林”,可译为classical Chinese gardens in the
northand the south;“精华”可用 essence表达。
4.是中国园林艺术的巅峰之作:即"代表了中国园林艺术的高度”,译为represent the peak of Chinesegarden
5.以…为基址:即“建立在…基础之上”,故译为be based on。
6.以...为蓝本:可译为use the blueprint for。
7.汲取江南园林的设计手法和意境:其中“汲取”译为absorb; “设计手法”就是 指“工艺,技巧”,译为technique;
“意境”译为artistic conception。
8.被誉为:可译为be known as或用be honored as表达。
9.皇家园休博物馆:可译为the Royal Garden Museum。