慈善晚宴 charity dinner
慈善活动 Philanthropy
赤诚的爱心 with utmost sincerity
空前的地震 an unprecedented earthquake
救灾活动 carry out rescue efforts
致力于 be committed to
企业社会责任 corporate social responsibility
呼吁 cry out for, call for
瓦砾、废墟 debris, ruins
多难兴邦 A country will emerge stronger from adversities.
心系灾区 our hearts go all out to the victims of the quake.
表示了哀悼 offer condolence
大灾之后必有大疫 large-scale epidemics usually ensue from/follow major disasters
安置灾民 relocate victims
find shelter for refugees
撤离灾区 evacuate from quake-hit region
国务院抗震救灾指挥部 the Disaster-relief Headquarters of the State Council
简易房 temporary shelter unit
临时帐篷 makeshift shed
堰塞湖 landslide-dammed lake
哀悼遇难者 to mourn victims
地震次生灾害 seismic secondary disaster
创伤 trauma
死亡人数 death toll
震中 epicenter
7级地震 a magnitude-8 earthquake
里氏7级地震 at a scale of 8 on the Richter calculations
余震不断 Aftershocks jolted the region.
I think all of you came to the aid of the victims/ came to lend a helping hand with utmost sincerity.
大家知道,5月12日,一场空前的大地震袭击了中国四川,夺去了几万人的生命,大量房屋倒塌,人们无家可归。Claim XXXX lives
Fatalities, death toll
Swift actions
As a media organization committed to promoting corporate social responsibility, we call for more concrete actions to help victims rebuild their home. |