危房 Dilapidated house
高科技作弊 Hi-tech cheating
塑化剂 Plasticizer
预付费卡 Prepaid card
铁杆粉丝 Die-hard fan
职场冷暴力 Emotional office abuse
更确切的说法是emotional abuse in the workplace。“冷暴力”有时也用cold violence来表示。
1. excluding or isolating someone from certain benefits or opportunities(将某人孤立于某些特定利益或机遇范畴之外);
2. undermining or deliberately impeding the employee from working(搞破坏或故意阻止员工工作);
3. removing areas of responsibilities without just cause(无故转移工作职责);
4. constantly changing work guidelines(不断变换工作要求),establishing impossible deadlines(规定的工作完成期限极不合理);
5. assigning unreasonable duties(布置不合理的任务)
6. not providing enough work to create a sense of uselessness(不给派活,让员工有被弃用的感觉)等等。