发表于 2018-6-30 18:41:10
Also, don’t do it alone. Ask friends and family to try these healthy
challenges with you. The National Institutes of Health also suggests looking
ahead and imagining how you’ll feel when you accomplish your goals. “You’re
never too out of shape, too overweight, or too old to make healthy changes,” the
organization’s monthly newsletter suggests.
There are other factors to consider if you want to add years to your life
or, at the very least, not shorten it. Along with exercising and eating
nutritious meals, people need to have active social lives and get enough sleep,
studies suggest. More than 40% of adults in the U.S. suffer from loneliness,
which is linked to depression, dementia, anxiety and cardiovascular diseases.
Insufficient sleep also lead to hypertension, diabetes and obesity.
Take into consideration what happens when you do the opposite of the
Harvard study’s recommended habits:
.Poor diet leads to one in five deaths, according to a study by researchers
at the University of Washington and published by the journal Lancet. A poor diet
can also cause high blood pressure and diabetes, which are linked to eating the
wrong foods. (The right diet, the study found, is one that incorporates whole
grains, fruit, nuts and seeds).
.Not exercising also leads to high blood pressure and diabetes, and people
who are physically inactive are more likely to develop anxiety, depression,
coronary heart disease and even cancer, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.
不锻炼也可能引发高血压和糖尿病。约翰霍普金斯医疗集团(Johns Hopkins
Falling below or above your proper BMI isn’t safe. Being underweight, where
your BMI is below average, signals malnutrition and increases the risk of
osteoporosis, a decreased immune function and fertility issues, according to
Healthline. Having a higher BMI or having obesity causes chronic health
conditions, such as asthma and bone problems.
Overindulging in alcohol can lead to cancer, even a light intake, according
to the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
美国临床肿瘤协会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)称,不仅过度饮酒会致癌,小酌亦会如此。
.Smoking has killed more than one in 10 people worldwide, according to a
study published in Lancet - 11.5% of global deaths were attributed to
Given all that, those 5 good habits may not seem so bad, after all.