反向春运 reverse Spring Rush
The reverse Spring Rush has not only eased the burden on the railways
during the Spring Festival holiday, but also encouraged more people to visit
scenic spots in the big cities during the holiday.
their parents in the hometown to come to them for the
holiday),于是,从老家到孩子所在地过团圆年的"反向春运(reverse Spring Rush)"由此诞生。
can have an opportunity to feast their eyes on different cultures and landscapes
while paying a visit to the urban homes of the younger
➤与此同时,52.3%的受访者认为,父母的到来能使他们从长途往返的行程中解放出来(free them from long distance
commuting)。24.9%的人指出,这种方式还可以避免夫妻双方为决定和哪方家人过年(decide with which side of the
family the holiday should be spent)而争吵。
➤ 阖家团圆永远是春节的主题(family reunions are the permanent theme of Spring
Festival),反向春运是平衡工作和家庭,传统与现代的一种方式(the reverse Spring Rush is a way to balance
work and family, the traditional and the
modern)。越来越多的人认为一家人在一起最重要,把父母接到自己身边过年同样可以家庭团圆,共度春节。 【相关词汇】
航空出行高峰 air travel boom
客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport
黄金周 golden week
假后综合症 post-holiday syndrome