Leigh: Now let me show you the Grail. This used to be the ballroom. I have little occasion to dance these years. I trust you recognize the Leonardo da Vinci. Now, my dear, if you could close your eyes.
Robert: Oh, Leigh, save us the parlor tricks.
Leigh: You ask for my help, I recall. Allow an old man his indulgences. Now,mademoiselle, where is Jesus sitting?
Sophie: In the middle.
Leigh: Good, He and his disciples are breaking bread. And what drink?
Sophie: Wine. They drank wine.
Leigh: Splendid. And one final question. How many wineglasses are there on the table?
Sophie: One? The Holy Grail?
Leigh: Open your eyes. No single cup. No chalice. Well, that’s a bit strange, isn’t it? Considering both the Bible and standard Grail legend celebrate this moment as the definitive arrived of the Holy Grail. Now, Robert, you could be of help us? If you’d be so kind as to show us the symbols for man and woman, please. My ballon animals. I can make a great duck. This is the original icon for male. It’s a rudimentary phallus.
Sophie: Quiet to the point.
Robert: Yes indeed. This know as the blade. It represents aggression and manhood. It’s a symbol still used today in modern military uniforms.
Leigh: Yes, the more penises you have, the higher your rank. Boys will be boys.
Robert: Now, as you would imagine, the female symbol is its exact opposite. This is called the chalice.
Leigh: And the chalice resembles a cup or vessel, or, more importantly…the shape of woman’s womb. No, the Grail has never been a cup. It is quite literally this contact symbol of womanhood.