Lin Dan, right, helps injured Lee Chong Wei, left, during their Badminton World Championship final in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Aug 11, 2013.
China's badminton superstar Lin Dan won a thrilling final for his fifth world champion on Sunday over Lee Chong Wei, who abandoned his game in the decider due to injury.
“因伤退赛”可以用to abandon the game due to injury来表达, “退赛”还可以用to pull out of the game,to withdraw from the game或to call the game off来表示。在此次比赛中,李宗伟被迫两次“暂停比赛”(to halt the match)寻求“医疗救助”(medical help)。
去年林丹在伦敦“连续第二次赢得奥运冠军” (to win a back-to-back Olympic title)之后,他决定“休整一年”(to take a gap year)享受家庭时光,结果导致他的世界排名跌至286位。这次他作为“卫冕冠军”(defending champion),凭借世界羽联发的“外卡”(wild card)才得以参加比赛,又一次夺下世界冠军。