对待动词,中英文有明显的差异。相比之下,英语名词、介词占优势,而汉语动词有很大的优势。我们以中级口译P76的一段话为例,例1; 考虑到您的舒适和方便,您可以住在公司的外宾专用别墅。别墅位于海滩,开车10分钟就能到我们公司。
译1 Considering your convenience and comfort, you can stay in our company’s villa for foreign guests.; The villa is located by the sea.; It takes you 10 minutes to drive from there to our company.;
译2; For your convenience and comfort, we’d like to accommodate you in our company’s seaside villa, which is 10 minutes by car from our company.;
不难看出,第二个句子中,比如,我们用介词for 来表达了中文中的动词“考虑”,因为原文中的“考虑到您的舒适和方便”这个部分在整个句子中充当的是原因状语。而译2中的accommodate一词,成为了整个句子统领性动词 (dominant verb).
I. 将动词转化成名词
Disputes should be resolved through timely communication and consultation on equal footing to avoid possible escalation.
参考答案: May I suggest that we set up a board of directors for the management of the company?
II. 将动词转化为介词
例3. 我希望中英两国青年顺应时代的要求和世界发展的潮流,刻苦学习,知难而进,为建设自己的国家,为维护世界和平、促进人类进步事业作出应有的贡献。(高口教材p130)
这个句子中 “为…..”构成的在句子中做目的状语,整个句子中的统领性动词应该是“做贡献”;因此,和引文中的情况类似,我们不妨用to (make contribution to是固定短语)就可以引导,而至于“建设”,“维护”,“促进”等动词都不需要
It is my hope that the youth of China and the UK will meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development, study hard, move ahead in defiance of difficulties and make their due contributions to the development their own countries, world peace and human progress.
参考答案:China will, as it did in the past, work with other countries and strive for the protection of the environment for human survival, for the happiness and prosperity of humanity, and for the benefits of our children.
例4. 中美两国经贸关系规模之大,涉及范围之广,牵涉各方面利益之深,已经使其成为当今世界最为复杂的经济关系。
China-US business relationship is the most complex one in today’s world owing to its huge scale, broad scope and the extensive interests of various parties involved.
例5 建立中澳长期稳定的友好合作关系,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。
A long-term and stable relationship and cooperation between China and Australia serve the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples.
The purpose of this seminar is to summarize and share our experience in the community service work of recent years, and map out the strategies of development and programs of action for future work.