英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 17:12:46


“King Lear”读书笔记(1):Gloucester是这样形容他私生子的母亲的: a son for her cradle ere(=before) she had a husband for her bed. 想起“Hamlet"里对母后的描写: The second time I kill my husband dead, when my second husband kisses me in bed. 看来莎翁好bed一词
“King Lear”读书笔记(2):King Lear 大女儿Goneril表达自己对父亲的爱 a love that makes breath poor, and speech unable. 诚然肉麻,但用词真的很美。
“King Lear”读书笔记(3):小女儿Cordelia不知如何表达对父亲的爱:My love is more ponderous than my tongue. 赵传名曲《爱要怎么说出口》的莎版译文,绝配!!!
“King Lear”读书笔记(4):Cordelia的表白:I cannot heave my heart into my mouth. "爱在心里口难开”。 heave 一词原指“提升”,此处很传神。
“King Lear”读书笔记(5):beget 表示“作为某人之父”,近义词还有“father". 比如:I have begot/fathered a three-year-old daughter
“King Lear”读书笔记(6):父王大怒,向天地发誓,与Cordelia断绝父女关系: By the sacred radiance of the sun,... By all the operation of the orbs...太有气势了!
“King Lear”读书笔记(7):Cordelia与父王哭别: The jewels of our father, with washed eyes. Cordelia leaves you. 其中jewels相当于“掌上明珠”,而washed eyes 相当于 “以泪洗面”
“King Lear”读书笔记(8):私生子Edmund表示受世俗偏见所累时自称stand in the plague of custom 这里plague原表“瘟疫”,引申为苦难或烦恼,好词!
“King Lear”读书笔记(9):父亲中计,让居心叵测的私生子Edmund设计惩办自己的亲生子时说 frame the business after your own wisdom. 这里frame the business表拟定计划,好词!
“King Lear”读书笔记(10):Nature finds itself scourged by the sequent effects. 这里scourge原表“鞭打”,这里表“受......之苦”,莎翁三部作品中至少出现5次,绝对的模板用词!
“King Lear”读书笔记(11):一直以为“苍穹”只有welkin一词,这里又看到了firmament. 表示:Never too old to learn.
“King Lear”读书笔记(12):pine away “日渐憔悴”的最佳对应。 可别以为是“松树离去”啊!
“King Lear”读书笔记(13):King Lear的随从Fool (有点像周伯通,大智若愚型的)用 apish 描写自己的愚蠢行为,是不是比foolish更多了点原生态的味道?
“King Lear”读书笔记(14):Fool 规劝King Lear不要把一切都留给女儿时说, He that keeps nor crust(面包皮) nor crumb(面包屑), Weary of all, shall want some. 好句子,英语中典型的“夸小”的表达方式。
“King Lear”读书笔记(15):Goneril 骂Fool是个十足的傻子时说他是all-licensed fool, 感觉特好玩。
“King Lear”读书笔记(16):Regan披星戴月深夜造访Glo'ster, thread dark-eyed night. 这里thread 做动词用,表“穿行”。
“King Lear”读书笔记(17):Kent骂Oswald胆小用lily-livered, 原来lily还有这个用法
“King Lear”读书笔记(19):Kent 骂 Oswald说, Thou whoreson zed(字母Z的读音), thou unnecessary letter! 这里有典故的:Z 原本从26个字母中弃用,后再补入,只能放在最后。这种骂法太有文化了!
“King Lear”读书笔记(20):Fool一针见血指出King Lear给予女儿太多金钱,徒增自己伤悲时说 For all this thou (you) shalt (shall) have as many dolours for thy(your) daughters as thou(you) canst (can) tell in a year. 这里dolour表哀伤,且与dollar谐音,是个pun.

enfour 发表于 2016-7-11 18:16:45

“King Lear”读书笔记(21):King Lear 受到女儿冷遇后对女儿的诅咒 You nimble lightings, dart your blinding flames into her scornful eyes!其中dart一词原指飞镖,作为动词在这里表“猛刺、狠狠刺入”的意思,特别传神。
“King Lear”读书笔记(22):King Lear 在暴风雨中独白 … but this heart shall break into a hundred thousand flaws… flaw表“裂纹”,之前 “Hamlet” 中读到thou hast (=you have) cleft (cleave的分词,劈开)my heart into twain (=two)。相比而言,King Lear 的心已经“粉粉碎”了。
“King Lear”读书笔记(23):King Lear将两个虐待他的女儿成为pelican daughters, pelican 表鹈鹕,据说是饮用父母的血而得以生存的。突然想到,我们常说的“啃老族”,译为pelican children是否更贴切?
“King Lear”读书笔记(24):Gloucester长子Edgar乔装打扮,投靠King Lear时将自己形容为:Wine loved I deeply(= I loved wine deeply), dice dearly. 这里dice 指筛子,引申为赌博,极具画面感的一个词。赌城LV 英语表达是“dice city”,也是这个道理。
“King Lear”读书笔记(25):Gloucester 将冷雨夜形容为tyrannous night,用词非常独到及拟人化。
“King Lear”读书笔记(26):Goneril 骂自己夫君Albany胆小,用了这么一个词 milk-livered,很有趣。
“King Lear”读书笔记(27):Albany回应道 … thou (=you) art (=are) a fiend, a woman’s shape doth(=does) shield (=cover) thee (=you). “shield”一词尤其出彩。
“King Lear”读书笔记(28):文章对小女儿Cordelia 思念父亲是这么描述的 …she shook her holy water from her heavenly eyes…,这是我这么多年阅读以来读到的最为绝美的哭态!
“King Lear”读书笔记(29):“打击“还可以用elbow表示,真形象!
“King Lear”读书笔记(30):很具气魄的一词vexed sea, 中文有很完美的对应:“怒海“
“King Lear”读书笔记(31):落魄的King Lear与Gloucester相认时说 …(I’m) every inch a king! 这又是英语中“夸小”表达的范例
“King Lear”读书笔记(32):文中惊现:Through tattered clothes great vices do appear. 和中文“穷山恶水出刁民”非常对应,而且英语还有音韵美。
“King Lear”读书笔记(33):文中又惊现:plate sin with gold, 原来“给……贴金”并非中国化的讲法,西方早有这么一说了。
“King Lear”读书笔记(34):莎翁用了“a man of salt”一词,表“位高权重之人”,salt在古罗马时期是身份的象征,现代的salary也是由salt引申而得的。
“King Lear”读书笔记(35):King Lear描述自己年纪时说道 (I’m) Fourscore and upward,英语中有很多类似乘法的数字运用,表“年过八十”。一个词可表达为Octogenarian(年过八十的人),中文还可称为“耄耋之年”。
“King Lear”读书笔记(36):“崭新的”除了brand-new,还可形容为fire-new
“King Lear”读书笔记(37):Edgar讲述自己遇到受“剜目”酷刑的父亲时这么说的: Met I my father with his bleeding rings, their precious stones new lost… 这里ring 指代“眼眶”, 而stones则形容“眼睛”,绝了!
“King Lear”读书笔记(38):King Lear 形容女儿Cordelia 的死是: She’s dead as earth. 相当于中文的“重于泰山”。
“King Lear”读书笔记(39):Albany面对King Lear三个女儿的死亡时评论到:All friends shall taste the wages of their virtue, and all foes the cup of their deservings. 这不就是中国老法中的“善有善报,恶有恶报”吗?
“King Lear”读书笔记(40):King Lear最终伤心过度而死,Edgar 最后说道 The weight of this sad time we must obey; Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. 的确,Cordelia说出了她“feel”的,而另两个恶女则说出了她们“ought to say”的;另外这里“weight”一词特别具有厚重感,重点推荐。(完)
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