1.党内法规Party rules
The two regulations are considered an important move to improve the CPC's internal management and sharpen intra-Party supervision.
此次公布的两部法规是中国共产党(the Communist Party of China,CPC)的党内法规,可简称Party rules/regulations,一部有关党内法规的制定(formation of Party rules),规定了有权起草、审批、公布、修订以及清理党内法规的党组织(party organs are authorized to draft, approve, publish, amend and abolish party regulations)以及制定法规时应遵循的程序(what procedures they should follow)。另一部则有关党内法规的备案(putting Party regulations on records)。法规同时规定要编制党内法规制定工作五年规划和年度计划(the CPC should have both annual and five-year plans for drafting and amending party rules)。
北京大学法学院教授姜明安表示,这两部法规的公布表明新一届党的领导集体希望通过规范党内法规的制定从严治党(tighten up internal management),防止法规制定过程中的随意性(preventing randomness in this aspect)。此次发布的《制定条例》是在1990年公布的一部暂行条例(temporary regulation)基础上修订产生的。
criticisms and self-criticisms
He urged CPC members, especially officials at various levels, to courageously and constantly relay criticisms and self-criticisms so as to boost unity and implementation of democratic centralism.
习近平指出,批评与自我批评(criticisms and self-criticisms)是解决党内矛盾(contradictions within the Party)的有力武器(forceful weapons)。在此次专题民主生活会上,河北省委常委班子对照形式主义(formalism)、官僚主义(bureaucracy)、享乐主义(hedonism)和奢靡之风(extravagance)的种种表现,总结问题、剖析原因。
批评与自我批评是党的群众路线(mass line)教育实践活动的一部分。群众路线就是一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去(doing everything for the masses, relying on them in every task, carrying out the principle of “from the masses, to the masses”)。
information transparency
Information transparency is an important means of enhancing the government's credibility and safeguarding the people's right to know, and of supervising government, it added.
国务院的报告称,The State Council Information Office(国务院新闻办公室)将定期举办news conference(新闻发布会),针对公众关心的重要政策和热点问题给出答复。监管macroeconomic development(宏观经济发展)和people's livelihoods(民生)的中央政府部门的负责人每年至少要开一次新闻发布会,而他们的spokespersons(发言人)每三个月应参加一次新闻发布会。
教育部门的前发言人指出,中国的spokesperson system(发言人制度)还有待完善。政府网站应建立online databases(在线数据库),供公众查询交通、医疗和教育方面的信息。
to declare personal assets
Authorities at the Macao Special Administrative Region for the first time declared the personal assets of officials and other high-ranking public servants on Saturday in a move to further intensify its anti-graft efforts.
官员“申报个人财产”可用to declare/report personal assets来表示,收到申报后由相关部门“公布”也可以用declare表示,当然用to make the personal assets of officials public表示也无不可。此次参与财产申报的澳门官员包括行政长官(Chief Executive)、行政会成员(administrative office directors)、立法会议员(members of the Legislative Assembly)、司法官及各局级官员(chiefs and deputy chiefs with government departments and public enterprises)等,申报的财产不包括不动产价值(value of real estate)和配偶财产(personal assets of their spouses)等数据。
现任澳门特首崔世安在2009年就职时曾承诺建立一个阳光政府(a government under the sunshine)和廉洁政府(clean government)。此次公布官员财产为其具体举措的一部分。
中央政府近几年也在通过公布政府部门“三公经费”(public spending on government cars、overseas trips and official receptions)以及在部分省市试行官员财产申报等措施加大反腐力度。
Party building
All Party members must focus on strengthening the Party's governance capacity, advanced nature and purity.
Combating corruption and promoting political integrity, which is a major political issue of great concern to the people, is a clear-cut and long-term political commitment of the Party.
If we fail to handle this issue well, it could prove fatal to the Party, and even cause the collapse of the Party and the fall of the state.
Centralized leadership of the Party is the source of its strength and a fundamental guarantee for China’s economic and social development, ethnic unity and progress, and enduring peace and stability.
peaceful development
China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.
China calls for promoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation in international relations and making joint efforts to uphold international fairness and justice.
China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues, opposes the wanton use of force or threat to use it, opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimate government of any other countries, and opposes terrorism in all its manifestations.