保持经济平稳较快发展 maintain stable and rapid economic development保税区 free trade zone
比重保持稳定 take up a stable share
闭关政策 closed-door policy
边境贸易 border trade
财长 Secretary of Finance
长期借出 lend long
充分发挥各自优势 give full play to one’s respective advantages
出口退税 refund taxes on exported goods
出口退税机制 the mechanism for export tax rebates
出口退税率 export rebate rate
储蓄存款利息个人所得税 indivudual income tax to the income of savings deposit interest
促进可持续发展 promote sustainable development
存贷款基准利率 deposit-reserve ratio
大经贸战略 strategy of broadly-based foreign trade and economic cooperation
大型投资促进会议 large-scale investement promotion meetings
弹性浮动汇率体系 flexible system of floating rates
低估价值 underevaluation
第三次中美战略经济对话 the Third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue
奠定更加坚实的经济基础 lay a more solid economic foundation
定标 award of contract
独资经营 solely foreign-funded business
短期借入 borrow short
对外经济合作 foreign economic cooperation
多边贸易体系 multilateral trading system
多边投资协议 multilateral agreement on investment
多层次、多领域的合作 the multi-level, multi-faceted cooperation
反托拉斯法 anti-trust law
泛亚合作 Pan-Asia cooperation
废标 rejection of bids
改善投资环境 improve investment environment
公平贸易 fair trading
鼓励性税收政策 incentive taxation policy
关税同盟 Customs Union
关税自主 tariff autonomy
关税最高限额 tariff ceiling
国际金融危机的袭击 onslaught of the international financial crisis
国际收支 balance of payment(s)
国际招标 international bidding/ tendering
航天、通信技术、电力设备 aerospace,communication technology and power equipment
合营期限 contract term of a joint venture
合营经营 equity joint venture
互惠互利 win-win in nature
互利合作的空间更加广阔 broader vista for the mutually beneficial cooperation
互通有无 mutual exchange of needed products
货币流失 currency runs
货币同盟 Monetary Union
机电产业合作 cooperation in the mechanical and electrical sector
积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策 proactive fiscal policy and easy-money policy
积极探索新型合作模式 actively explore new ways of cooperation
技术转让 technology transfer
既有战略高度,又立足于现实 be of both strategic and practical significance
减免税 tax reduction exemption
建设性合作者 construction partner
金钱交易额 volume of money traded
金融工具 financial instrument
金融市场结构 structure of the financial markets
经济结构调整 economic restructuring
经济平衡发展 balanced economic development
经济增速下滑 decline in economic growth
经济仲裁 economic arbitration
可行性报告 feasibility report
跨境加工和物流基地 cross-border processing and logistics basis
来料加工 processing with provided materials
来料转配 assembling with given sample
利益攸关方 stakeholder
联合开发、管道建设深加工合作 joint development, pipeline construction and intensive processing
良性互动 interact on each other in a beneficial cycle
贸易不平衡 trade imbalance
贸易诚信 integrity of trade
贸易集团 trading bloc
莫斯科中国贸易中心 Chinese Trade Center in Moscow
木材深加工 intensive timber processing
睦邻友好合作关系 the good-neighborly relations and cooperation
“你中有我、我中有你、互利共赢”的贸易关系 business relations featuring interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win progress
排他性 exclusive
蓬勃发展 dynamic growth
平衡预算修正案 balanced budget amendment
前所未有的增长速度 unprecedented growth rate
全球公司 global corporation
上新水平 reach a new level
深化两国睦邻友好合作关系 further boost the good-neighborly relations and cooperation between the two countries
实际利用外资 foreign investment in actual use
世界经济增长放缓 slowdown in world economic growth market dominance
Energy and resources cooperation has deepened.
We must oppose attempt to politicize trade issues.
It is the dialogue and consultation that have enabled what is happening, not confronting and finger pointing.
As economic globalization gathers momentum, product quality and food safety have become a global issue. This means that the countries concerned must increase cooperation, assume their due responsibilities and strengthen related mechanism to ensure the quality and safety of people’s life.
Thanks to the personal attention paid and guidance given by the two presidents, the SED mechanism has grown in strength and influence. Attracting widespread public attention in both countries and the international community , it has played an increasingly important role in ensuring the stability and growth of not only China-US business ties, but also our overall relations.
Over the past year, the international community has worked closely to counter the crisis, and these concerted efforts have produced initial results. The international financial markets have gradually stabilized and the world economy is expected to achieve recovery growth.
We all have stood the test of the international financial crisis, and we all have to rethink and reflect seriously on the philosophy of development, economic models, governance structures and global challenges so that we can draw good plans for the development of the world economy in the post-crisis era.
In today’s world, the destinies of all countries are closely interlinked. That requires us to go one step further in jointly taking up responsibilities and work in tandem with each other so as to pool strengths for win-win progress in a complex environment.
In a globalized world, the economies of all countries are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The policies of one country can well impact those of others.
In particular, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory over the past two decades, we have carried out reform and opening up and successfully embarked on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. As a result, the social productive forces have rapidly expanded, our overall national strength has grown markedly and our people have enjoyed a much better life.
Economic growth must not be achieved at the cost of environment or resources. In the absence of proper resource and environmental protection, there could be no sustainable economic development.
Adherence to the road to human-oriented development. Economic development and environmental protection are both aimed at improving the level and quality of people’s life and ensuring an all-round and long-term development of human beings.
Only by helping developing countries out of economic backwardness can we ensure enough food and clothing for their people, achieve the goal of poverty reduction. And only by tapping the potential demand of developing countries can we expand the global market and reduce unemployment around the world.