英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 09:58:06


          1. comprehensive strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系
          The comprehensive strategic partnership between China andKazakhstan is
showing the momentum of rapid development. Cooperation over a number ofmatters
is progressing smoothly and both sides should continue their efforts in
cooperativeprojects regarding infrastructure and connectivity. The two sides are
expected to work closely in anumber of areas, including economic matters,
security and culture, to benefit the people of bothcountries.
          2. WWII history 二战历史
          The peoples of China and Russia will stand together with all peace-loving
nations and people firmlyagainst any attempt to deny, distort or tamper with
WWII history.

          3. The Law of the Jungle 丛林法则
          The Law of the Jungle and hegemonic policies will not benefit coexistence,
peace and developmentfor all mankind.
          4. universal Anti-Fascist and Anti-Militarism United Front
          People from more than 50 countries including China and Russia and all
peace-loving people formeda universal Anti-Fascist and Anti-Militarism United
Front, they fought jointly and defeated thebarbarian invaders in life-and-death
battles between justice and evil, light and darkness, freedomand slavery.

ensix 发表于 2016-7-11 11:19:53


          5. comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination 全面战略协作伙伴关系
          The development of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of
coordination is basedon staunch political common understanding between the two
countries and profound amitybetween the two peoples.
          6. high-level political relationship 高水平的政治关系
          I hope the two sides will take the opportunity of our meeting to turn the
high-level politicalrelationship into more substantial and practical outcomes,
and work together to open up a new erafor the China-Belarus comprehensive
strategic partnership.

          7. political trust 政治互信
          China and Belarus should enhance political trust and always support each
other's view ondevelopment and the path of development.
          8. China-Belarus Industrial Park 中白工业园
          The two sides should put the China-Belarus Industrial Park on top of the
cooperation agenda,make full use of government-to-government coordination
mechanism and work out a sound planfor the park's future. The two sides should
work together to make the industrial park a "pearl" onthe Belt, and an exemplary
project of reciprocal cooperation between the two countries.
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