英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:38

双语新闻:中国电商“光棍节” 创下百亿销量

Singular Success: China’s Billion-DollarHallmark Holiday
          Government officials, economists and retailers have long workedto get thrifty Chinese consumers to spend. China’s onlineretailers this weekend tried appealing to their loneliness.
          Chinese media on Monday was filled with articles about a surge in online shopping on Sunday, Nov. 11, for Singles Day 1,1,1,1, the loneliest number, as some say a day in which single people aresupposed to buy stuff for each other and for themselves in a culture with a obsessive fixation onmarriage. The apparent rush wasn’t the byproduct of some inexplicable phenomenon, such as theinstantaneous global preoccupation with the Korean pop-video Gangnam Style.
          Instead, it appears to be been pushed by China’s online retailers in an effort to nurture an annualconsumer event.
          Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., which runs e-commerce sites Taobao.com and Tmall.com, launched amarketing blitz aiming to create the “single” largest online shopping day of the year in China. Manyof the merchants who sold their goods on Alibaba’s sites offered 50% discounts. Some promotedsingles steamers to help the unwed iron out their wrinkled clothes and freshen up theirappearances. Others offered deals on “singles” closets.
          阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)运营着电子商务网站淘宝网(Taobao.com)和天猫网(Tmall.com)。该公司推出了一场营销闪电战,旨在借助光棍节在中国打造今年最大网购日。很多在阿里巴巴旗下网站销售产品的商家提供了五折优惠。一些商家打折促销单身熨衣机,以帮助未婚人士将自己皱皱巴巴的衣服熨烫得平平整整,令自己的形像焕然一新。其他商家则提供“单身”衣柜打折。
          Full numbers for the event won’t be available from third parties for several days. But Alibaba said 213 million loners in China flooded the Internet yesterday to buy $3.1 billion worth of stuff.

enfour 发表于 2016-7-11 10:46:06


          Alibaba said it wasn’t trying to focus on China’s dateless and desperate. “The reason why it falls on 11/11 is because it is an easy date to remember, and the association was quite accidental,” said anAlibaba spokeswoman.
          The push as Chinese companies discover the potential sales to be made in corporatecommemorations, otherwise known to Western greeting-card buyers as “Hallmark holidays” afterthe card maker.
          Qunar.com, a Beijing-based travel site, launched a Valentines’ Day promotion earlier this year, giving 10% to 50% discounts on low-end rooms and the chance to spend merely 100 yuan (about $16.50) to stay in a five-star hotel room for one night. Suning Appliance Co., China’slargest retailer by outlets, rolled out a “zero-yuan purchase” campaign for Singles’ Day, doling outgift vouchers equaling the amount each customer spent on its site.
          北京旅游网去哪儿(Qunar.com)今年早些时候推出了情人节优惠活动,对低端酒店房间提供五折至九折优惠,客户还有机会仅花人民币100元(合16.50美元)入住五星酒店一晚。苏宁(SuningAppliance Co.)推出了光棍节“0元购”活动,向在其网站上购买指定商品的用户全额返券。按门店数量计算,该公司是中国最大的零售商。
          In countries such as the U.S., holidays such as Valentine’s Day or Father’s Day have often beenpromoted as key occasions to splurge on a gift for a loved one. And holidays like these havehelped propel consumer spending beyond Christmas, the biggest shopping season of the year inthe U.S.
          In China, where the government is keen to create willful spenders out of scrimping savers, holidayshave been welcomed with open arms. Even the adoption of the shopping mall Santa andchocolate Easter-bunnies have been easy sells to the agnostic country looking to rev up cashregister rings.
          The more holidays the better, said Tom Doctoroff, North Asia area director and Greater China CEOof ad agency JWT, adding, “China is a country fixated on transactions: social, financial andcommercial.”
          广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)的北亚地区总监、大中华区CEO唐锐涛(Tom Doctoroff)说,节日越多越好,他补充说,中国是一个执迷于互动的国家,这包括社交、金钱,以及商业上的互动。
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