CandidatesBattleToLockUpKeyStatesBacked by a ramp-up in TV ad purchases, Mitt Romney willspend much of the final two weeks of the campaign presentinghimself as a bipartisan bridge-builder, aides said, while PresidentBarack Obama tries to persuade voters that his Republican rivalis painting a centrist veneer over conservative policy positions.
罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的竞选助手们说,他加大了电视广告投放力度,以期在大选前的最后两周时间里将自己塑造成一个在两党之间构筑桥梁的人。而美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)则试图说服选民,罗姆尼不过是站在保守的政策立场上披上了一件中间派的外衣而已。
With the last of their debates behind them, the candidates offered Tuesday a look at the closingarguments they plan to make in the home stretch and where they intend to work hardest to drivethem home.
The battleground for the last weeks of the campaign may now be growing from nine to as manyas a dozen states, as Republicans consider whether to try to capitalize on signs that the tightenedrace, shown to be deadlocked in many polls, is bringing the party new opportunities.
A super PAC backing Mr. Romney said Tuesday that it would spend $300,000 in Maine, whichassigns Electoral College votes by congressional district. The ad buy has the added benefit ofreaching voters in New Hampshire, a long-standing battleground.
一个支持罗姆尼的超级政治行动委员会(super PAC)周二说,它将在缅因州斥资30万美元用于选战。缅因州将按照国会选区分配选举人票。这笔用于购买广告时段的竞选支出还可以对新罕布什尔州的选民产生影响,而该州是奥巴马和罗姆尼长期以来一直在争取的摇摆州。
Mr. Obama began highlighting his planned second-term agenda Tuesday by outlining proposals toboost manufacturing, slow the growth of college tuition and reduce the federal deficit. Theeffort─using direct mail, a glossy pamphlet and a new TV ad that will run in battleground states─isintended to appeal to undecided voters with an optimistic message and to quiet critics who havesaid Mr. Obama hasn't fully explained what he hopes to accomplish if re-elected.
The super PAC backing Mr. Romney also is spending $1.6 million on his behalf in Michigan, a largerbuy than in prior weeks in a state that has been considered a long shot for the GOP. The Romneycampaign and its supporters said they were also looking at potential moves into Pennsylvania, butno evidence has yet emerged that they had bought advertising airtime there.
Democrats say they remain skeptical of Mr. Romney's chances in Maine, Pennsylvania and inMichigan.
Mr. Obama is making stops this week in Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Florida, Nevada and Iowa. Mr. Romney was in two of those same states Tuesday, Nevada and Colorado. The two candidates arealso running ads in those six states, plus Wisconsin, North Carolina and New Hampshire. Together, they make up the core battlegrounds for the remainder of the campaign.
Later in the week, Mr. Obama moves on to Chicago to cast a ballot during early voting. That is asignal of how important it is to the Democratic cause to harvest as many votes as possible early, tominimize any chance that core voters won't show up on Election Day. Mr. Obama also will tape aninterview with MTV that is set to air Friday─a sign of how crucial young voters are to his coalition.
The president is scheduled to campaign in New Hampshire Saturday for the second time in asmany weeks. He has spent little time in the state this fall, save a trip to the state after theDemocratic National Convention in early September.
The possible push by the Romney campaign into Pennsylvania comes as polls show him withinstriking distance of the lead. Because the state has restrictive absentee voting laws and no in-person early voting, more than 95% of the electorate is expected to vote on Election Day. Mr. Romney's image in Pennsylvania hasn't been colored by the Obama campaign's negative ads, making it more attractive as a potential target.
The Romney camp is considering whether to schedule what aides describe would be a majorspeech on the economy, an attempt to seal what they consider Mr. Romney's advantages on theissue that polls show is many voters' top concern.
Mr. Romney and his allies also are outspending Democrats, though both sides continue to ratchetup their ad-buying for the final weeks, according to figures provided by several media buyerstracking the race. The GOP nominee and super PACs backing him will spend about $55 million thisweek, up from $40 million two weeks ago. Mr. Obama and Democrats will spend roughly $33 million, up from some $24.7 million two weeks ago.