英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 09:54:52

双语新闻:希拉里巡访亚洲 岛屿争端成关键

Isle Spats Frame Clinton's Asia Visit
          Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to tour parts ofAsia over the coming week in what could be one of the Obamaadministration's last chances to address escalating territorialdisputes across the region ahead of November elections.
          Mrs. Clinton is scheduled to meet with leaders of Indonesia, EastTimor, Brunei, China and Russia amid growing tensions overcompeting claims on the islands, shoals and open waters in Asia.
          Her visit, say State Department officials, is to further underline the U.S. commitment to stability inthe Asia-Pacific as the U.S. untangles itself from commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
          'She is demonstrating that the U.S. is engaging in the region in a very practical way, by showing up , contributing, listening and adopting soft initiatives,' like aid programsacross Asia, said Carlyle Thayer, an Asian security expert at the Australian Defence Force Academyin Canberra.
          During a stop in the Cook Islands Friday to meet with leaders of South Pacific island nations, Mrs. Clinton pledged to continue helping to maintain security in the region and to protect the flow ofmaritime commerce. She also called on China to 'act in a fair and transparent way' in the Pacific asit expands its influence there.
          'We want them to play a positive role in navigation and maritime-security issues,' she said. 'Wewant to see them contribute to sustainable development for the people of the Pacific, to protectthe precious environment, including the ocean, and to pursue economic activity that will benefitthe people.'
          Speaking earlier that the meeting, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said China was helpingpromote peace, stability and development in the Pacific, the Associated Press reported, citing thestate-run Xinhua news agency.
          For a year, the Obama administration has been cranking up U.S. influence in the Asian-Pacificregion, often to China's chagrin. President Obama last year announced U.S. Marines would beginregularly working out of a base in Australia, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said earlier thisyear that the U.S. Navy would shift the majority of its ships to Asia. The administration also isseeking bases to build missile defenses in Asia, primarily as a bulwark against North Korea.
          Mr. Panetta is expected to return to the region again in the near future, to reassert U.S. goals andpriorities. However, the effort has not always delivered results sought by the administration.
          Beijing accuses the U.S. of increased meddling in the region. Chinese officials and state mediaobject to what they describe as attempts by the U.S. to inflame territorial disputes between Chinaand its neighbors as a means to contain China's regional influence. The U.S., on the other hand, has criticized recent Chinese moves as likely to further escalate tension in the South China Sea.
          Sensitivities over China's disagreements with Japan over disputed island claims are also still raw. Anti-Japanese protests erupted in some Chinese cities in recent weeks. State media in recent dayshave questioned Mrs. Clinton's visit to the region.
          'It is true that one objective of Clinton's tour is to contain China's increasing influence, but the coreof U.S. strategy is to defend its dominance and hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region,' read aWednesday commentary by Xinhua.
          When Secretary Clinton was in the region last in July, tempers flared and talks broke down during amajor Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting in Cambodia. The 10 members of theeconomic bloc failed to agree on how to respond to China's claims on parts of the South China Seathat are also claimed by several Asean members.
          With the Philippines demanding a strongly worded declaration of the group's concerns, andCambodia resisting any wording that would embarrass China, Asean members couldn't agree onlanguage for a joint statement at the end of the meeting. It was the first time in the association's 45-year history that it was unable to issue a joint communiqué.
          The failed talks in Phnom Penh were also a setback for the U.S., analysts said, because it has beentrying to build up Asean as a unified front against expanding Chinese influence in the region.
          Territorial disputes in other parts of Asia have also been flaring up. Last month Japan raised theprospect of taking a dispute with South Korea over possession of a group of islets to aninternational court after South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited them. The islets known asDokdo in South Korea, Takeshima in Japan and Liancourt Rocks in the U.S. and elsewhere are partof a long-simmering territorial dispute. Japan recalled its ambassador to South Korea after Mr. Lee'svisit.
          Japan has disputes with other neighbors as well. It controls a set of islands known as Senkaku, alsoclaimed by China and Taiwan; they are known as Diaoyu in Chinese. Japan also claims Russian-controlled islands known in Russia as the southern Kurils; Japan calls them the Northern Territories.
          'I think one of the messages that we seek to carry on this trip is that it is absolutely essential thatcooler heads prevail in every capital, and that great care be taken on these issues, and that, in fact, all of the─these complex territorial matters have existed for decades,' said a senior StateDepartment official in Washington last week. 'They have been managed generally effectively fordecades, and during this period we've seen some of the most manifest Asian prosperity.
          Mrs. Clinton arrived Thursday in the Cook Islands, where she attended an annual gathering ofofficials from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific as part of her six-nation tour.

enone 发表于 2016-7-11 10:22:03

          Her first stop this week will be in Indonesia where she is scheduled to meet with President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono as well as Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa. Bolstered by its strongeconomic growth and stable democracy, Indonesia has increasingly played a leading role inSoutheast Asia and Asean. This is a trend that the U.S. wants to encourage, analysts say. After thetroubled talks in Cambodia, Mr. Natalegawa took it upon himself to visit all of the region's leaders totry to encourage cooperation.
          On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton will be in China. Visible progress on strategic issuesbetween the two countries is unlikely during her closely watched visit there, analysts say, givenboth the U.S. election and China's once-a-decade leadership change. China's transition, set tobegin this fall, makes officials unlikely to make major decisions given political sensitivities.
          Diplomats are already saying it will be difficult to win Chinese leaders' cooperation on South ChinaSea issues at the next Asean summit in Phnom Penh in November.
          While a major breakthrough isn't expected, the U.S. may seek Chinese cooperation to at leastensure the South China Sea dispute is a topic of discussion. Such a move would give China roomto continue to press its claim of sovereignty over the region but would likely be viewed as a victoryfor regional claimants who have pushed to negotiate territorial disputes in multilateral forums. Chinahas said negotiations should be between Beijing and individual countries.
          U.S. officials and Chinese political analysts say both sides are focused simply on maintaining therelationship's status quo during a period of potential political volatility in both countries.
          Mrs. Clinton will arrive in Beijing as strategic ties between the U.S. and China have been strained.
          On Aug. 3, the State Department released a statement criticizing Beijing's decision to elevate theadministrative status of a place called Sansha City, which China says will administer the disputedterritories it claims in the South China Sea, as well as its plan to establish a new military garrisonthere.
          China's Foreign Ministry responded with what analysts and diplomats described as an unusuallyharsh response. The statement said people must 'question the true intention of the U.S. side' andsaid Washington's actions weren't conducive to regional stability.
          Mrs. Clinton's visit to the Cook Islands was also being closely watched in China. Beijing has backeddevelopment projects throughout the South Pacific, and in recent years has been involved inbuilding a police headquarters and a courthouse in the Cook Islands, according to analysts andlocal media.
          'I think the secretary intends very clearly to underscore our continuing interest in maintaining astrong, positive relationship' between the U.S. and China, said the senior State Department official. 'We recognize how critically important that is, and one of the challenges before us is todemonstrate how we deal with areas in which we have differing perceptions and where we facechallenging issues on the ground, or in this case in the water.'
          After China, Secretary Clinton is scheduled to visit East Timor and then Brunei and her final stop willbe Vladivostok for a summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries.

enfive 发表于 2016-7-11 11:50:56


          美国国务卿希拉里?克林顿(Hillary Clinton)按计划将在未来一周出访亚洲部分地区。这可能是奥巴马政府在今年11月大选之前,处理该地区不断升级的领土争端的最后机会之一。
          堪培拉澳大利亚国防学院(Australian Defence Force Academy)亚洲安全专家卡莱尔?塞耶(CarlyleThayer)说,克林顿通过出席多边会议,贡献、听取和采纳各种软性倡议(如亚洲各地的援助项目),是在向人们证明,美国在用一种非常务实的方式参与亚洲事务。
          据美联社(Associated Press)引述新华社报道,当天早些时候,中国外交部副部长崔天凯在出席同一场会议时表示,中国对岛国政策的着眼点是促和平、求稳定、谋发展。
          一年以来,奥巴马政府一直在强化美国在亚太地区的影响力,常常引起中国的不满。奥巴马去年宣布美国海军陆战队将定期在澳大利亚一个基地周围活动。美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(Leon Panetta)今年早些时候说,美国海军将把大部分军舰转移到亚洲。此外,奥巴马政府目前正在寻找建立亚洲导弹防御系统的基地。这个系统主要是为了防范朝鲜。

enthree 发表于 2016-7-11 13:24:00

          北京指责美国越来越多地干涉亚太事务。中国官员和官方媒体认为美国想在中国与邻国的领土争端中煽风点火,以遏制中国在地区内的影响力。而美国则批评中国近期的一些举动,认为它们有可能进一步加剧南中国海(South China Sea, 中国称南海)矛盾。
          亚洲其他地区的领土争议也在升温。上个月,日本有意将日韩在一组岛屿归属问题上的争议提交国际法庭裁决,此前,韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)访问了这些岛屿。这些岛屿在韩国被称作独岛(Dokdo),在日本被称作竹岛(Takeshima),在美国和其他与争议无关地区被称作利扬库尔岩(Liancourt Rocks)。这些岛屿的主权归属问题在日韩间引发的争议长期以来不断激化。李明博登岛之后,日本召回了驻韩国大使。
          日本还与其他邻国存在领土争议。中国大陆和台湾都宣称对日本控制的尖阁列岛(Senkaku)拥有主权,这些岛屿在中国大陆被称作钓鱼岛。日本还宣布对俄罗斯控制的一些岛屿拥有主权,这些岛屿在俄罗斯被称作南千岛群岛(southern Kurils),在日本被称作北方四岛(Northern Territories)。
          克林顿本周出访的第一站将是印尼。按计划她将与印尼总统苏西洛?班邦?尤多约诺(SusiloBambang Yudhoyono)及外长马蒂?纳塔莱加瓦(Marty Natalegawa)举行会谈。在强劲的经济增长和稳定的民主制度的支持下,印尼越来越多地在东南亚和东盟扮演着领导角色。分析人士说,这是美国希望鼓励的一个趋势。在柬埔寨会谈陷入困境后,纳塔莱加瓦主动承担起访问该地区各国领导人以努力推动合作的责任。
          结束对中国的访问后,按计划克林顿将访问东帝汶和文莱。她出访的最后一站将是符拉迪沃斯托克,她将在那里参加亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)的一个峰会。
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