看新闻学英语:PM2.5中文名 拟定“细颗粒物”
造成严重雾霾天气的“元凶”之一PM2.5现在已为广大公众所熟知。但PM2.5是一个字母词,至今还没有统一规范的中文名称。28日媒体报道称,全国科学技术名词审定委员会已确定将PM2.5的中文名称命名为“细颗粒物”,而PM1或被命名为“超细颗粒物”。PM2.5 will get Chinese name
China's scientific authority is soliciting ideas to come up with a new Chinese name for PM 2.5, or particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter that can enter people's lungs and bloodstream.
The initiative has aroused public interest and caused an Internet buzz.
Because PM 2.5 uses the Latin alphabet, the China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies is conducting research and gauging opinions from all walks of life to name the term properly, it said.
People nationwide are contributing creative terms, including 'Beijing grey', 'toxic dust', 'air pollution index' and 'cough trigger'.
In addition to the people who are busy brainstorming, some also suggest that the government should focus more on relieving the dense smog rather than providing a fancy name.
The committee has consulted experts from environment, physics, medical sciences and linguistics to contribute advise for a name for the particulate matter.(China Daily)