英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-9 17:50:32


  1. "主-系-表"句型:The number of people learning English in China is larger than the population of the United States.
  2. There be句型:There are more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.
  3. "主-谓-状"句型:More people learn English in China than live in the United States.
  上文使用的例句都是than比较句,现在我们将句2改为"as … as"比较句,请看原句和改写后的句子。
  4. a. There are more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.
  b. There are as many people learning English in China as there are people in the United States.
  我们知道,改写后得到的b句含义是"中国学英语的人口与美国人口一样多",与原句的含义不一样。现在,我们在a句和b句的基础上分别添加诸如three times这样的倍数词来进行比较,即能得出下面两个句子。
  5. a. There are three times more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.
  b. There are three times as many people learning English in China as there are people in the United States.
  现在问题来了:这里a句和b句的含义是否相同?如果我们将例5两个句子的three times替换成分数a third,又可以得出下面两个句子。
  6. a. There are a third more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.
  b. There are a third as many people learning English in China as there are people in the United States.
  因为形容词的比较结构主要是"than比较"和"as … as比较"这两类,所以,最核心的倍数比较句型有两个:一个是"倍数/分数+形容词比较级+ than",另一个是"倍数/分数+ as +形容词+ as"。我们把倍数(以three times为例)与分数(以a third为例)分开列举,于是便有了下面的倍数比较句型。
  7. a. A is three times bigger than B. (倍数+形容词比较级+ than)
  b. A is three times as big as B. (倍数+as +形容词+ as)
  c. A is a third bigger than B. (分数+形容词比较级+ than)
  d. A is a third as big as B. (分数+as +形容词+ as)
  值得注意的是,twice (两倍)不能用在"倍数+形容词比较级+ than"结构中,只能用在"倍数+as +形容词+ as"结构中。也就是说,我们不能说"A is twice bigger than B",而应该说"A is twice as big as B"。英语中有个使用比较结构的俚语为"as large as life and twice as natural"(出自刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》),字面意思是"和真人一样大而且有真人的两倍那么自然",真正含义是"正是其人,如假包换"。当某人激动地告诉别人自己遇到了某个名人时就会用到该词。比如你和别人提起自己在乘飞机时遇见了某位电影明星,就可以这样强调:"It's him as large as life and twice as natural."这里的"twice as natural"不能说成"twice more natural"。

enfour 发表于 2016-7-9 18:54:09

  e. A is three times the size of B. (倍数+名词)
  f. A is a third of the size of B. (分数+名词)
  a."A is three times bigger than B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=3
  b."A is three times as big as B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=3
  c."A is a third bigger than B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=11/311/3
  d."A is a third as big as B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=1/3
  e."A is three times the size of B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=3
  f."A is a third of the size of B"的倍数关系:B=1,A=1/3
  关于倍数比较的问题,人们在翻译时一直存在误解。比如对于a句"A is three times bigger than B",许多人都认为这句话应该翻译为"A比B大三倍",但这样翻译的话,就意味着"B=1,A=4",这与原句意思不符,所以这样翻译是错误的,这句话只能译成"A是B的三倍大"。也就是说,a句与b句(A is three times as big as B)的含义是一样的。此外,e句与a、b两个句子的含义也是一样的。
  从上面的答案我们看出,句c和句d意思不同,这两个句子与句a、b的区别在于倍数词不同。也就是说,当倍数词小于1时,"as … as"比较句与than比较句的含义不同。
  c."A is a third bigger than B"意思是"A比B大三分之一",所以,若B=1,则A=11/3。
  d."A is a third as big as B"意思是"A是B的三分之一",所以,若B=1,则A=1/3。
  从上面的倍数关系我们看出,c句与f句意思相同,即f句"A is a third of the size of B"可译成"A是B的三分之一"。

  根据上述结论,我们可知,文章开头例5中的a句(There are three times more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.)和b句(There are three times as many people learning English in China as there are people in the United States.)的含义一样,都表示"中国学英语的人是美国人口的三倍"。同时我们还可以采用上文表格中的句型三"倍数+名词"来对其改写,即写成:"The number of people learning English in China is three times the population of the United States."。
  然而,上文例6中的a句(There are a third more people learning English in China than there are people in the United States.)和b句(There are a third as many people learning English in China as there are people in the United States.)的含义不同。a句的含义是"中国学英语的人口比美国人口还要多三分之一",而b句的含义为"中国学英语的人口是美国人口的三分之一"。同时,我们用表格中的结构六来对b句进行改写,即写成:"The number of people learning English in China is a third of the population of the United States."
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查看完整版本: 新东方:英语语法中的倍数比较句型